How I Make $5,000 Each Month With Quiet Over-Employment

The silent employment boom

Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer


Man in glasses working at a laptop — How I Make $5,000 Each Month With Quiet Over-Employment
Image by Author via Canva

For years, I worked the traditional 9–5. I was unfulfilled, unhappy, and felt like I was stuck in a rut.

I knew there had to be more to life than working at a job I didn’t enjoy just to make ends meet. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

I started freelancing on the side and eventually quit my full-time job to pursue my dream of being my own boss.

In this blog post, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about quiet over-employment: what it is, how it can help you reach your dream life, and the best part about it.

What Is Quiet Overemployment?

Quiet over-employment is when you have several jobs without telling your boss(es) about it.

You might not tell anyone about your multiple jobs.

It’s not about cheating your main job (or any job). It’s about maximizing your time and income. What your boss(es) don’t know doesn’t hurt them.

In fact, it’s probably way better if they don’t know.

In my experience, quiet over-employment is a perfect way to make extra money on the side and build out your dream life — all without impacting your full-time job.

How Quiet Overemployment Helps You Reach Your Dream Life

If you’re unhappy with your current situation, quiet over-employment can help you reach your dream life.

It’s a great way to make extra money so that you can pursue your passion project or save up for a down payment on a house. You can invest your extra income, experiment with different businesses, and enjoy the parachute of your other gigs.

This is exactly what I’ve done for the last few years.

After leaving my 9 to 5 job at a nonprofit, I launched a website, took on freelance writing contracts, and started blogging on various online platforms.

These multiple income streams slowly blossomed over time.

Here is my current over-employment stack:

  • Freelance writing contracts
  • Blogging platforms
  • Website #1
  • Website #2
  • Website #3
  • Website #4

The Best Part of Quiet Over-Employment

The best part of quiet over-employment is that it allows you to diversify your income streams.

This means that if one stream dries up, you have others to fall back on.

It’s a great way to build wealth and protect yourself from financial hardships. That’s exactly why I run four different websites in four different niches.

It’s also why I’m slowly growing a YouTube channel.

To top it off, I launched a fifth “secret” website as a seed site that I can pour more time and energy into if needed.

How To Get Quietly Over-Employed

When I think about how I went about becoming over-employed, it really comes down to three main strategies.

Those strategies are:

  • Wiggle Your Tentacles
  • Time Stamp Everything
  • Double Down on What Works

Wiggle Your Tentacles

To get over-employed quietly, you’ll need to start testing and exploring a few different small income streams.

This could mean starting a few websites, launching a new YouTube channel, or trying out a few different affiliate marketing programs.

The important thing is to be creative and experimental and to test out a variety of different methods in order to find what works best for you.

Time Stamp Everything

One of the most important things you can do when trying to get over-employed quietly is to give yourself enough time to see results.

In most cases, it will take 3–6 months before you start seeing any real data from your efforts.

So be patient, and keep working hard until you start reaping the rewards.

If you don’t see any positive movement in 6 months, it's probably time to switch business models or methods.

Double Down on What Works Diversify By Starting Several Similar Income Streams

Finally, once you find a good business model that works for you, be sure to double down by starting several similar income streams.

This could mean starting multiple websites, launching multiple YouTube channels, or trying out a variety of different affiliate marketing schemes.

For example, how I started several websites.

Even within each website, I diversify my content and revenue strategies: display advertising and affiliate marketing. YouTubers often get money from ads, affiliate marketing, sponsorships, and merchandise.

By doubling down, you’ll maximize your chances of success while keeping your employment status nice and quiet.

Watch Out for This Dangerous Temptation of Over-Employment

The biggest danger of over-employment is the risk of burning oneself out.

When a person takes on too much work, they often do not have the time or energy to properly care for themselves. This can lead to physical and mental exhaustion, which can have serious consequences.

Another danger of over-employment is the potential for conflicts of interest. When a person has multiple employers, there is a greater chance that their work will begin to suffer.

This is because they will have divided loyalty between their employers, and they may also be asked to do things that conflict with each other’s interests.

Finally, over-employment can also lead to financial instability.

When a person has multiple jobs, they may find it difficult to keep up with the demands of all their employers. This can result in late payments, missed deadlines, and even termination from one or more of the jobs.

Don’t layer more on yourself than you can realistically handle.

It’s not worth it. Over-employment is not about overwhelming yourself. It’s about using the time you have more wisely.

When I drove Uber Eats, I’d use voice-to-text to write drafts of articles I would later edit and publish online. Since my days are flexible, I can easily switch between writing blog posts, writing contracts, or making YouTube Videos.

All in the same 8-hour work day.



Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer

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