How I Use AI-Spam Sites To Dominate My Niche

It’s probably not what you think

Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer


Farmer with farm land — how I use AI spam sites to dominate my niche
Image by Author via Jasper Art and Canva

First of all, I don’t own or recommend running spam sites.

That’s a great way to get in trouble on almost any platform. Don’t do it. It’s not worth it.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of these spam sites or their data. In fact, if you know what you’re looking for, you can sometimes uncover golden opportunities in your niche.

Here is how I do it.

No, I’m Not Mass Producing AI Content

In recent years, bloggers have been increasingly utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) to generate content.

AI writers are fed a large number of potential keywords, from which they vomit thousands of articles.

Usually, articles with thin content and questionable grammar.

The owners of these sites then track the performance of these keywords to see which ones rank well over time. Many refer to this method as “Keyword Farming” and use it to generate disposable sites in order to test their topics.

It’s the blogging version of throwing noodles against the wall — then seeing what sticks.

This is not what I’m doing.

I don’t own one of these sites, nor do I push out low-quality AI-generated garbage posts.

But I do sometimes root around in the “garbage” of these sites, peek into the data, and find gold.

My “Sneaky" AI Site Trick

The key to sifting out this gold is to stroll over to the “Keyword Farm” on those disposable sites and find validated topics.

Basically, I visit the farm and see which crops are growing the best.

Then I plant those same crops on my farm.

Instead of discarding the data from these sites, you can leverage this data in order to save time and resources while still providing valuable content on your blog or website.

This technique involves analyzing the data of the AI sites that are mass-producing AI content.

You can examine the sites manually or use keyword tools like Ahrefs.

I recommend doing both.

By doing so, I can identify which topics rank well, along with what traffic they get. Then, I use this information to create better-quality articles about those topics that provide helpful insight for their readership.

For example, if I discover a topic with high traffic that ranks in the top 10 search results on Google, then I know that I can almost certainly write a better article and rank fairly easily.

After all, a suspicious AI site already ranks with low-quality content.

To me, that’s a strong signal that I can outcompete them with even decent or OK content.

However, my goal is always to write the best and most helpful articles.

In my experience, this “sneaky” trick is one of the easiest ways to find golden keyword opportunities for my niche websites.

Here’s How The Trick Works (So You Can Do It)

There are a few important steps to making this “trick” work for you.

Here are the steps that I take:

  1. Find a spam site
  2. Look at the data
  3. Select a topic
  4. Write a better blog post

Let’s go through each one in a bit of detail.

Find a Spam Site

The first step is to find a website in your niche that mass produces AI content.

You can usually do this by doing keyword research or researching another article. As I’m researching a topic, I’ll check the competing articles on the first page of Google.

Sometimes I stumble across one of these sites.

Here are red flags that you’ve found an AI spam site:

  • The website URL or name includes the word “answer” or “answers” in the title (not always the case but I’ve noticed a pattern).
  • The articles include tons of subheadings, most of which only barely relate to the main topic.
  • Each subsection is short with super thin and generic content.
  • The grammar and logic of the content are questionable, wrong, or seem off in some way.

Scrape the Data

Next, take a look “behind the curtain” of the data.

Yes, that’s a Wizard of Oz reference (Rizzard of Oz? Maybe 😉).

Use Ahrefs or other keyword tools to get an idea of how much traffic and ranking the competition has.

On Ahrefs:

  • Copy and paste the website URL into “Site Explorer”
  • Go to the Organic Keywords Tab
  • Filter the keywords by Search Volume and Rank (1–10)

Select a Topic

Once I have my filters on (in Ahrefs, for example), I go through the top-ranking, high-traffic keywords on the filtered list.

Again, if a spam AI site ranks in the top 10 search results, I probably can, too.

I find a topic related to my niche and check the competition on Google.

If I think I can outrank the AI site (usually pretty easy), then I’ll move to the last step in my process.

Create a Better Piece of Content

After that, it's time to create a more helpful article with better quality writing and information than what is already out there.

My better content usually fits these criteria:

  • Longer content (I usually go for 500 more quality words)
  • More comprehensive
  • More specific information
  • Includes practical tips and details
  • No fluff or unrelated content
  • Better quality writing and grammar
  • Includes a relevant image and video

With some luck, you should be able to rank within a few days or weeks.

For new sites (under 1-year-old), it may take longer.

Using this sneaky trick will give you a huge head start in dominating your blogging niche and coming up with new ideas quickly.

How I Make Money From It

I make money through display ads and affiliate marketing.

Setting up display ads on your site through Google Adsense, Ezoic, and Mediavine is fairly simple.

To get started with Google Adsense, you need to create an AdSense account.

Once you are approved, you can use free WordPress plugins to link your site to Google Ads. Something like Sitekit usually works for me.

That’s what I do.

Ezoic, Mediavine, and Athrive all have certain requirements before you can join their display ad network. Once you meet their requirements, you submit your site for approval.

You can then optimize and customize the ads on your particular website.

Mostly, I follow best practices and let the display ad platforms automatically optimize my display ads.

For affiliate marketing, I join affiliate marketing programs (Like Amazon Associates) and then add links to products on my sites where it makes sense.

There are a ton of products out there and many companies offer affiliate programs.

Find good ones that pay high and recurring commissions for the best results.

Final Thoughts

The biggest reason I like using this AI spam site “trick” is because it helps me focus on pre-validated keywords.

That’s a big-time saver.

It also allows me to generally predict the traffic outcomes for a piece of content.

I hope it works just as brilliantly for you!

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Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer

Endlessly curious| proud word nerd| Don’t miss my next article — sign up to my Medium email list: