
Michael Hall, and a New Prompt

Writing Dangerously

The Bazaar of the Bizarre


Photo by T. Kaiser on Unsplash

MDS Hall (Michael David Saunders Hall)

We lost a giant last year, month — a craftsman in the art of poetry, a skilled gift so potent that it permeated each conversation, line of verse — while still being down to earth, and supportive of all poets, no matter the writing level — he inspired me. I’ve got a lot to learn.

Thankfully, he left a good number of newsletters for me to study. I’m on it! 😌

I feel it the loss deeply. With a life as hectic and out of control as mine, I had to demand time, to remember and appreciate the impact his short time in my life had on everything. Much like poetry, his being sang of all of the wonderful things in life that don’t always have words. I’m forever grateful.

A few poets honored Michael in the most appropriate way possible, through verse. Enjoy these poems:

Mark Tulin wrote Of Fallen Leaves Dancing, for Michael Hall.

Barry Dawson Jr. IV wrote Elegy for A Breathing Poet.

Samantha Lazar created a beautiful tribute, of a collection, dedicated to his work in her publication, Sky Collection. I encourage everyone to visit these pages.

If anyone has found other tributes to Michael, please tag me, let me know about them?

A New Prompt

Michael’s poem, Breathing Poetry, is crystal clear, and prophetic about life and death, as wonders to embrace, honor — not with fear but with appreciation and gratitude for each moment being precious.

Our new prompt is about just that, life.

Your mission, dear writers, should you choose to accept it, is to writer about how you honor life. What is life to you? How do you see the day-to-day as precious? Do you? It’s ok to be honest here, that’s what writers do, tell the truth.

Such a short word loaded with huge ideas and possibilities. Explore them all!

As a personal statement about myself, I understand what depression is and battle it every day. As in life, it doesn’t all have to be sunshine and roses. But when there are roses, my goodness is it a beautiful thing!

You are encouraged to be your truest self, while adhering to Medium’s and BotB’s standards of safety in content. Brush up on them here if needed.

Please tag me in your offerings, whatever form you like, musings poetry, short form, it’s all good. The pub is tag loaded so please use “poetry” or “musings” or “writing” or “prompts” so that your creations are easily found in the right section of our pub. 😎

I can’t wait to see what you come up with. I’ve recently written about spiritual encounters through nature and the seemingly mundane. You can take a look at them here, and here.

In Michael’s words “forge forward”, write on, rite on, right on!!

©️KS Hernandez 2022



The Bazaar of the Bizarre

I’m an ordinary woman, and #survivor #writing—existing in an extraordinary world. Fuck them lanes. #WEOC #BotBEditor introvert #POMpoet #TBIN #Poetry #Memoirs