Go to The Beat Mixtapes
The Beat Mixtapes
Student Writing on Beat Poetry and Its Historical Soundtrack
Note from the editor

Student Writing on Beat Poetry and Its Historical Soundtrack

Go to the profile of James Belflower
James Belflower
Prof. @SienaCollege | Multimedia Poet, Artist, & Critic | Author of HIST (@CalamariArchive 2022); CANYONS (Flimb); THE POSTURE OF CONTOUR @SpringgunPress
Go to the profile of Karla Joseph
Karla Joseph
Hi, my name is Karla Joseph. I am a Political Science Major with a Writing and Communications Minor and a Pre-Law Certificate at Siena College.
Go to the profile of Alyssa Blanco
Alyssa Blanco
Hi, I’m Alyssa! I’m a social work major with a minor in psychology at Siena college! Feel free to scroll through and read or watch my work! ❤
Go to the profile of Dakota Hurley
Dakota Hurley
Senior Visual art & Design Major at Siena College
Go to the profile of Halise Ozdemir
Go to the profile of Aiden Peterson
Go to the profile of Wally Klein
Wally Klein
Senior at Siena College. Marketing Major with a Minor in Writing and Communications
Go to the profile of Bella Scavo
Bella Scavo
English Major at Siena College
Go to the profile of Eva McAree
Eva McAree
Sophomore English Education major at Siena College
Go to the profile of Cailin Miller
Cailin Miller
Freshman English Major at Siena College