Go to The Benefits of Contemplating Death
The Benefits of Contemplating Death
Embracing death to live a more fulfilling life. 💀 instagram.com/thebcd
Note from the editor

The Benefits of Contemplating Death (also known as The BCD) is an slightly-more-than-monthly online publication that will be coming out at every new moon (New York time). Fitting right? When the moon is hidden from us, it is seemingly more dead than the floating hunk of rock normally is. Here you will find an amalgum of art, writing, photography, and interviews— all centered around the idea that if we embrace death we can have more fulfilling lives. Interviews will be with a diverse range of people: death professionals, spiritual leaders, the devout and the nonbelievers, hunters, and animal activists (animals die too!). You can also find death resources at The BCD — from logistical paper work aids to young adult novels. I, Hannah, will share my experiences becoming a hospice volunteer (without violating HIPPA of course). Additionally, The BCD will publish death related art, from myth based descent photography to skeletal prints. Please email me at hannah@thebcd.co with questions, comments, ideas, and collaboration inquiries. For more death inspiration follow along at: instagram.com/thebcd

Go to the profile of Hannah Suzanna
Hannah Suzanna
Brb, gonna go laugh at our existential plight. ☞ hannasuzanna.com