Circle Pay

The Money Communication Platform

Quick Fix
The Bitcoin Podcast Network
7 min readOct 23, 2016


What is Circle Pay?

Circle Pay is a money transfer app, that allows you to send or receive money directly to and from other users for free, just like an e-mail. The app also allows users to send one type of currency, say BTC and receive another in their prefered currency, say USD. This happens with Circle Pay’s built-in instant exchange that currently works for GBP, EUR, USD and BTC. Circle Pay uses the Blockchain for transferring ownership of value to a user within minutes, not days, unlike traditional standard money transfer platforms, like banks. Although the transfer from p2p (peer to peer) is instant, transfers from a Circle Pay account onto a debit card could take up to 3 days to clear, but that’s the bank’s doing not Circle Pay’s. It’s a fast and free way to not only send money but also request payment and split payments as well as buying bitcoin, all for a 0% fee. (Update, Circle Pay requires Photo ID)

Circle Pay

Buy, Send, Request and Split Payments

With circle Pay you can link a debit card and add funds to the account for free and instantly send money to anyone, anywhere with no fees. Buy bitcoin, send a set value of that currency and the recipient can choose to either receive the value in bitcoin or exchange it for their own local government currency. In settings you can choose the currency in which all the value associated with that account will be held in. Government currency is based on location, meaning if you live in the U.S you can only choose between USD and BTC, not Euros or British Pounds. Even with currency borders preventing purchases of foreign money, Circle Pay can take the USD you send from the U.S and exchange it into EUR for the recipient who lives in Europe. Money transferring hasn't seen a change like this since Western Union got into the game.

Unlike most bitcoin exchanges, with Circle Pay there’s no fee for buying small amounts of bitcoin. Just link a debit card and choose BTC in settings to set the currency for the account. Once BTC is selected as the main currency, you can simply choose add funds and select the amount you’d like to exchange. Since Circle Pays not what I’d consider to be a bitcoin wallet necessarily, I will recommend using Jaxx. After you purchase your bitcoin for free you can either keep it on Circle Pay or move it to another wallet for long term holdings or other uses like Purse.

There are quite a few apps available that offer similar function for money transfer, for example PayPal or PayPal’s Venmo or banks apps like Simple Bank. The key feature that makes Circle Pay stand out from the hurd is their currency exchange and use of the Blockchain and bitcoin. Being able to request payment for a service done in Europe for a customer or multiples in the U.S or over the world has never been easier.

Users can choose either their government currency or the cryptocurrency bitcoin. Either way they will send and receive a set value of money in their prefered currency. Sending money isn’t necessarily limited to only Circle Pay users, just like e-mail isn’t limited to similar providers. Since Circle Pay uses the Blockchain and bitcoin, users can send bitcoin to any bitcoin address. Even if you’re sending what looks like USD, you can still send that USD to any bitcoin address and that wallet will receive that value in bitcoin.

Speaking of e-mail, requesting payments is just as easy as sending an e-mail. Just like an e-mail all you need is the user name, e-mail or QR code to send a request for payment. This can be split between multiple users by the original ticketer or the recipient of the bill. Multiple users can pay one bill using multiple different currencies and the ticketer will receive payment in-full in their chosen currency, regardless of the different forms of payment from multiple sources. Circle Pay offers all this for free and currently charges no fee for adding, send or receiving money from anywhere in the world.

Circle Pay is bringing money transfer to the digital era


Since iOS10 Apple has allowed apps into their keyboards. Circle Pay took full advantage of this feature by adding their own plugin for bitcoin. Simply download the Circle Pay app and create a login. Next, open the keyboard and look for the A icon, for the keyboard app store. Bottom left 4 dots, will reveal the current keyboard apps as well as take you to the app store itself. If the Circle Pay app isn’t already listed, simply launch the App Store and search for the app like normal. Once you have the Circle Pay keyboard app installed all you have to do to launch the app within the keyboard, tap the A and swipe to the left. You can shuffle through all the keyboard plugins till you land on Circle Pay.


Sending money through an iMsg is as easy as sending a Gif (Gift-t=Gif). Open an iMsg with the person you wish to send money. The first icon next to the text field is the A icon, tap that. Swipe left to shuffle through the plugins till you find Circle Pay. From here you can select the amount of money as well as the form, bitcoin, USD, EUR or GBP. Once you have the amount and type of currency ready, simply send like any normal iMsg. If the recipient user doesn’t currently have a Circle Pay account they will be informed of their newly waiting fundzilles (funds) and a list of instructions on how to create an account and collect payment.

Bitcoin is now built into one of the largest messaging applications used around the world. It has never been easier to send and receive bitcoin, than it is right now. Thanks to Circle Pay and iOS10 bitcoin is one huge step closer to the mainstream. So get out there and show your friends how easy and free it is to send money to anyone anywhere at anytime.

How I Use Circle Pay

I’ve been using circle pay to buy small amounts of bitcoin since the fee is 0% per transaction. I let the Small amounts build up over time till the holdings on Circle Pay are worth transferring to my Jaxx wallet.

Another way I’ve been using Circle Pay is its basic use, to send money to friends and family fast, easy and for no fee. The best part is, I can send bitcoin to my mom and she will receive USD or EUR depending on where she is geographically.

Circle Pay takes about 3 days to send funds from the app to your debit card. I found a pretty neat work around to solve that problem. If you need to spend money sent to circle pay same day the best way to go about that is using the Shift Card and Coinbase. Just send the BTC to your Coinbase account and link your Shift Card, within minutes you’ll have spendable money.

Just Do It !!!

Circle Pay is paving the way for digital currencies by utilizing iMsg. Making it possible for the “PAB(s)” to send and receive money fast, easy and freely. They are empowering the average person, to use the normally complex currency bitcoin. If you can send a Gif you can send a dollar, it’s that simple. For that, let’s take a moment to appreciate Circle Pay... Click the link below and share it with friends. Using that link will give you $5.00 for free after making $25.00 worth of transfers. The easiest way to get that free $5.00 is, buy $25.00 worth of bitcoin and send it to your main wallet like Jaxx or Coinbase. Once the transfer is finished you’ll have $5.00 free. You can keep it on Circle Pay for withdraw it onto your debit card. So you literally have nothing to lose and $5.00 to gain by giving this app a shot. Go get that crypto doe!

Click ( Here ) To Sign Up Today & Get $5.00 for FREE

Please Donate Bitcoin, Thank You!

Send me btc as a tip or donation- Thank you!

or on Circle Pay

