Archive of stories published by The Biz Stone Collection

Ask Jelly

Hey-oh. Here’s the tl;dr. We launched Jelly in 2014 to help folks get answers to questions. We are returning to our original vision with renewed enthusiasm and an entirely new approach.

Twitter has always inspired me when it highlights the fundamental goodness in people. Jelly is born…

The Jelly Approach To Work

Last week I wrote about our un-pivot and that you can reserve your username early. This week I want to share some broader thinking about work in general, how I think it should fit into our lives, and what we’re doing at Jelly to breath life into our aspirational vision.

These were the top 10 stories published by The Biz Stone Collection; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2021.

The Biz Stone Collection
Information of various sorts and kinds—especially Jelly Industries, Inc.
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