Go to The Black Swans
The Black Swans
Shrouded in mystery, we stand out from the ordinary, each possessing unique talents, perspectives, or achievements. Together, we embody both individuality and unity, leaving an enigmatic mark on our shared pursuits.
Note from the editor

Shrouded in mystery, we stand out from the ordinary, each possessing unique talents, perspectives, or achievements. Together, we embody both individuality and unity, leaving an enigmatic mark on our shared pursuits.

Go to the profile of Abderrahim Boutorh
Abderrahim Boutorh
Obsessed with making a quantifiable impact. I'm a Data Engineer during the day, a writer in my free time. Let's chat about data, writing, or both!
Go to the profile of Abderrahim Boutorh
Abderrahim Boutorh
Obsessed with making a quantifiable impact. I'm a Data Engineer during the day, a writer in my free time. Let's chat about data, writing, or both!