Go to The Block Magazine
The Block Magazine
The Block is what’s happening now and in the future in blockchain art. Our goal is to make the tech digestible, keep you informed and expose you to a diverse cross section of the most exciting developments on the art side of the blockchain
Note from the editor

The Block is what’s happening now and in the future in blockchain art. Our goal is to make the tech digestible, keep you informed and expose you to a diverse cross section of the most exciting developments on the art side of the blockchain

Go to the profile of Mike Kelley
Mike Kelley
Closing in on two decades experience as a gallerist and curator. Editor of the art and culture focused The Block magazine https://medium.com/the-block-magazin
Go to the profile of block_editor
Founder of tokenpr.com and web3 writer
Go to the profile of MikeSemantics
Hi!! My name’s Miguel and I’m a music and culture writer, producer and multi-instrumentalist from Lisbon, Portugal. I hope that my writing will keep you busy :)
Go to the profile of Sam Altman
Sam Altman
y combinator