Bicycle Tour Poems

Cyclists See Mirages of Ice Cream Cones Everywhere…

South of Aberdeen, there are abundant oyster farms. Say no more.

Emily Gibson
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Poems
2 min readApr 5, 2023


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Image: Photo of a sign near Aberdeen, WA. ©Emily Gibson, 2022, all rights reserved.

Oyster shells
are not
ice cream cones.
They are sharp
they are rough
not smooth
or creamy.
Oysters are
not ice cream.
They are fishy
smelly slippery
and slimy.
Not fragrant
of vanilla bean
or sweet and cool.
Despite having an
outline easily (I say)
mistaken for one,
an oyster is anything
but an ice cream cone.
Sorry if your
hopes got up.

Text and Image: Copyright © 2023, Emily Gibson/Sifting the Rubble. All Rights Reserved.

Riding south from our Warm Shower hosts near Aberdeen, WA, I spied ahead an ice cream shop. It was cold and…



Emily Gibson
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Poems

Poet, naturalist, long-distance cyclist, person with MS, teacher, fond of equines... The gift of my MS is poetry,. Absolutely 100% HI, zero AI.