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Body Shaming

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The Cake
Sugar, Spice and everything non-normative
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Next Time Someone Comments On Your Body, This Is Why You Must Reply Back

By Binita Kakati for YouthkiAwaaz:

Recently, I read an article on Youth Ki Awaaz titled ‘I Will Use The Word ‘Fat’ Without Feeling Sorry, But Will Society Let Me?’ The author talks…

10 Tweets That Tell Us How Enormously Wrong Things Are, Even Though We’re In 2016!

By Lipi Mehta for Youth Ki Awaaz:

When Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau was asked why it was important to him that his cabinet was ‘gender balanced’, he smiled and…

I Will Use The Word ‘Fat’ Without Feeling Sorry, But Will Society Let Me?

By Kirat Sodhi for Youth Ki Awaaz:

I am not thin, never was and perhaps never will be. Do I care? Yes. Do I want to care? No. It’s unfair that I have to hear people pass…