Go to The Caregiver Space
The Caregiver Space
A community for all caregivers. Share your story.
Note from the editor

A community for all caregivers. Share your story.

Go to the profile of The Caregiver Space
The Caregiver Space
We're a non-profit online community that understands exactly what you're going through. The people and resources you need to support your role as #caregiver.
Go to the profile of Liz Imler
Go to the profile of Cori Carl
Cori Carl
History nerd. Explorer. Communications consultant.
Go to the profile of Cori Carl
Cori Carl
History nerd. Explorer. Communications consultant.
Go to the profile of Sharon Bode
Sharon Bode
I am a retired university ESL administrator and teacher caring for my mother who has Alzheimers' disease.
Go to the profile of Jesse F. Ballenger
Jesse F. Ballenger
Bioethics, History of Medicine; Science, Technology & Society; Psychiatry & Neuroscience; Alzheimer's and Aging.
Go to the profile of Brenda Avadian, MA
Brenda Avadian, MA
Expert #Caregiver Speaker / #Author / SIGN UP for The Caregiver's Voice Monthly Newsletter @ http://bit.ly/hNgzkw
Go to the profile of John Bourke, RQ
John Bourke, RQ
Technology consultant & writer. Co-author of Her Final Year: A Care-Giving Memoir (Non-fiction, 2011) and Sync (Fantasy, 2012).
Go to the profile of Emily Caldwell
Emily Caldwell
Science writer at Ohio State University; I also blog about Alzheimer's caregiving here: http://t.co/RtONvtNdZa
Go to the profile of Hope Matters
Hope Matters
Our mission is to share hope in difficult journeys such as cancer, deployments, Alzheimer’s disease & more. With HOPE---Huge Outcomes are Possible Everyday!
Go to the profile of Better
Backed by @s23p & @mayoclinic, Better's mission is to make the highest quality care available to everyone right on their mobile device, anytime they need it.
Go to the profile of Stroke Tattler
Stroke Tattler
Tattlers-- information for those dealing with stroke by stroke survivors, spouses, families, and friends. Not a substitute for professional health information.
Go to the profile of Marti Lawrence
Marti Lawrence
Wife, mother, humor author, blogger, caregiver, lover of life.
Go to the profile of MyLifeLine.org
Follow us for #cancer tweets. Our org provides websites where family and friends can come together to support cancer patients. Sign up for yourself or a friend.
Go to the profile of KaylaMatthews
tech and productivity writer. bylines: @venturebeat, @makeuseof, @motherboard, @theweek, @technobuffalo, @inc and others.
Go to the profile of Liz Imler