Inspiring Healing: 6 Powerful Articles

by Allison Crady

Alice Crady
The Cassandra


2 min readMay 15, 2021


Photo Credit: Pexels

After a lifetime of narcissistic abuse and cultural misogyny, I use writing as an outlet to connect, empower, and heal. I believe struggles pave the way for our meaning in life—crisis fuels transformation.

Here are six articles to inspire your healing, wholeness, and balance:

1. 7 Painful Reasons All Women Should Be Angry

Our patriarchal culture has dismissed, diminished, humiliated, shamed, abused, and suppressed women worldwide for many centuries. — by Allison Crady, in “An Injustice!”

2. 9 Ways to Starve a Narcissist of Attention

The best way to take away a narcissist’s power is to starve them of the incredible amounts of attention they crave. — by Christine Schoenwald, an abuse survivor

3. How I Unraveled 26 Years of Narcissist Abuse

They didn’t abuse me because I am pathetic or worthless; they used me because I have so much to offer. — by Allison Crady, in “The Cassandra”

4. Dear Society, Please Stop Silencing Assertive Women

When a woman has to be made invisible, it is because she is powerful, and her presence reverberates, touching everything in its path. — by Shruthi Sundaram, in “An Injustice!”

5. As a Good Christian Child, I Internalized These 6 Misogynist Beliefs

How do women move forward from a lifetime of emotional gaslighting, culturally reinforced misogyny, and unearned shame? — by Allison Crady, in “Fearless, She Wrote”

6. 12 Unspoken Rules of Engagement in the Narcissistic Family

#7. Feelings are wrong. The emotions that make us human, help us connect and get our needs met, and protect us from harm are selfish, and we must repress them. — by Julie L. Hall, on “Narcissistic Family Files”

Bonus Book: “Addiction to Perfection

Discovering the wisdom and power of the feminine principle can help us to find freedom from addiction. — by Marion Woodman, a Jungian analyst (affiliate link)

“There is nothing stronger than a broken woman who has rebuilt herself.” — Hannah Gadsby.



Alice Crady
The Cassandra

🦋 I uplift, inspire, and empower authentic human flourishing. I create transformative, hopeful, relatable content ❤️🕯 #Mental Health #Women #Relationships