It’s All In The Name

Playing the Name Game Acronym Challenge: Meet Bernie

Bernie Pullen
the Challenged
Published in
4 min readJul 30, 2023


This piece is in response to Toni The Talker Decode Your Acronym.

name spelt with blocks
Image from ©Canva Pro

Who does your acronym say you are?

acronym of name and what it says
Created by author using ©Canva Pro

B — Brave — I’m not sure why this one came to mind first because I am far from brave. Ask me to try a bungee jump. No bravery there. Rollercoaster rides. I’m out of there faster than the coaster.

But brave because when life threw curdled pudding in my face at the age of 25, leaving me widowed with a 3-month-old baby, I had to find a way to move forward.

Brave because I had to continue to live a life that I hadn’t planned.

And now I feel Blessed with my two daughters, and my two grandkids. Balanced.

E — Empathetic. I just can’t help myself, like when I saw an 80-year-old woman struggling or my distressed neighbour across the street.

It’s no accident I’m a social worker. You have to pack a huge bag of empathy. It can be hard to switch this button off, it’s exhausting at times.



Bernie Pullen
the Challenged

Life experiences intrigue me. Parenting| bereavement|memoir,|travel writer. I’m a coffee lover, I keep grounded by walking in nature, Tai Chi, and Yoga.