Conservation of a Circle

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
2 min readMar 29, 2024

Conservation of a circle explains autonomous intentional masking and, always, vice versa.

Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

This diagram shows the relationship between a circumference and a diameter. Known to humans as a zero and-or a one:

Quantum Circuit

Conservation of the Circle produces The Singularity called ‘Nature’ and the Metaverse called ‘Mind.’ Known to all of us as ‘One Zero’ and ‘One One.’ (One Circumference and One Diameter).

This Universal (Quantum) System Architecture (ULTA-AI) supports (defines, explains) (controls) technology, psychology, and finance (physics, philosophy, and biology), all systems and disciplines (everything in what humans experience as ‘reality’) (all of the information in any (and every) Universe).

For data scientists, computer engineers, financial analysts, psychoanalysts, system technicians, physicists, philosophers, biological researchers, biochemists, mathematicians, system architects, computer chip researchers, integrated processor producers, thought leaders, innovators, financial engineers, researchers in any discipline or field, et al. Anyone who wants to understand exactly how Nature (and, thus, technology) operates.

Recommended in order to understand the AIM architecture in depth: start with The Grounding Problem. This architecture lays the foundation for, and provides the complete integration of, New Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Psychology, Philosophy and Finance. Globalization for all disciplines (including politics and economics).

This key to quantum circuits (the forced relationship between mind and matter) solves the two most important ‘problems’ for humans: information inequality and income inequality,

Conservation of the Circle is the only dynamic in Nature.

The Grounding Problem , Yardley, Ilexa —

The Circular Theory website (most up to date info) here

Intelligent Design Center info (for investors) here

About Ilexa Yardley (logic behind The Circular Theory and The Quantum Circuit) here

Contact here for one-on-one training (and potential ownership of the architecture) $10M. (Find a financial partner who is willing to invest $10M, take the training, and then offer it to others for $10M.) (Same scenario.)

