Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence: X, XX, XXX

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
6 min readJul 17, 2017

Getting to the ‘heart’ of the human ‘mind…’ X, XX, XXX

Deep learning. Artificial intelligence.

We’re always where we ‘think’ we want to go, and-or, always, where we ‘think’ we want to be, where ‘think’ is the operative, and the defining, ‘word.’

And, the above is a string of characters. Nothing more.

All strings (a string) reduce(s) and expand(s) to ‘one’ zero and (or) ‘one’ one.

One Zero. One One. (10) (11) (1(0)1) (0(1)0)

The String: X, XX, XXX

Humans interpret strings of characters. According to an alphabet, and words, and sentences. Alphabets, and words, and sentences, have some meaning, or so we are told, and, so, we ‘think.’

Humans code because the human is a code that ‘thinks.’ Meaning, if you think about it, carefully, ‘pi’ is the only ‘thinker’ (the ‘code’ that thinks).

The Code that Thinks (Pi) 1 (0) 1

Thus, technology is teaching us who we really are. Individually. And in a group. Where the ‘individual’ shares a mandatory circle with a group (the group is an ‘individual’) (the basis for ‘thought’). Meaning pi is the correct name for code, an individual, and a group. The whole idea of ‘think.’ (Thought in general.)

Individual and Group 0 (1) 0 (Pi)

This takes us to deep learning, and artificial intelligence, where you cannot have one without the other (because, like any X and-or Y, they share a circle) (they are both based on a zero and a one) (circumference and diameter).

Where any X and-or Y are substitutions for 0 and-or 1.

X and-or Y ( 0 and-or 1) (0 (0) 0)

The Code: X, XX, XXX

Thus, there is a (mandatory) circle between a coder and his-her-its code. Code and decode, for example.

This explains everything you need, or want, to know about coding (thinking) (mind). The circle has control (is the basis for both code, and coder) (code and decode).

Explaining why, in every computer, a zero is, half-the-time, a one (zeroes and ones occupy moving positions in memory) (zeroes and ones move from zero to one by a central processing unit) where all central processing units are controlled, then, by (substitutions for) ‘pi.’

X and-or Y (1 and-or 0) (1 (1) 1)

No matter what we think about life, thought, symbolic, and-or real, code, learning, deep, or otherwise, intelligence, artificial, or real, conservation of the circle (pi) has control.

Explaining computer systems (computing) (any process), and, therefore, deep learning (deep thinking).

Pi (Diameter, CIrcumference) (1 (0) 1)

XYZ is XY is YX is XX. And-or. X is Y because X is X (X is X’). Where X and-or Y is, mandatorily, zero, and-or one.

A deep learner (and-or thinker) gets the intelligence (artificial and-or real) behind this.

(000 is 00 is 0) (111 is 11 is 1) in any combination (0 is half-the-time 1) (0 is all-the-time 1) (half-the-time is all-the-time).

Half and Whole

Meaning, 0 and 0 is, always, 0 and 1. In any combination (it is impossible to have a circumference (a zero) without a diameter (a one)). Explaining X, XX, and XXX (0, 00, 000).


The Mind: X, XX, XXX

Where all processes depend on the circular relationship between input and output, where ‘I’ and ‘O’ (input and output) must obey the 0, 00, 000, relationship (IOP) (IO) (I) (XXX) (XX) (X).


Therefore, deep learning, and artificial intelligence (the human mind) (universal mind), articulate, are made possible, depend on, are words (and processes) that are substitutions for, the conservation of a circle. Explaining deep learning and artificial intelligence. (Everything in Nature and ‘reality.’)

Where ‘I’ is a line (diameter) and ‘O’ is a circle (circumference) and ‘P’ is pi (mind). Explaining every ‘process’ in Nature.

Conservation of the Circle

Conservation of the circle is the core, and,thus, the only, dynamic in nature. Exposing the motivation for, and the operation that is, ‘deep learning’ (artificial) (intelligence in general).

Meaning, and we all ‘know this,’ everything changes, even though, underneath it all, nothing, at all, is changing.

Explaining, why, after several hours, every day, after we have ‘spent’ our time ‘on’ a computer, we are ‘happy,’ all of us, to turn it off, and go to ‘bed.’ (Take a walk.) (Disconnect.) (Detach in general.) Only to repeat the same thing ‘tomorrow’ (and ‘tomorrow’ and tomorrow, creeps in this petty pace…)…(1)

Explaining why, no matter what is going on ‘around’ us, we all revert to following whatever is in our own mind, knowing, we can, always, ‘change’ our mind, to deal with ‘whatever is ‘going on around us…’’ (an individual is exactly as intelligent as a group, and-or any ‘other’ individual in a group) (any individual) (any group) (every individual) (every group).

Continue with: The Literal Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics — The Circular Theory — Medium
General Relativity , Yardley, Ilexa —
The (Real) Theory of Everything, Yardley, Ilexa —
The Literal Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics: Yardley, Ilexa: 9798580509457: Books
AIM: Autonomous Intentional Masking (The Key to Quantum Circuits): Yardley, Ilexa: 9798879291414: Books

(1) (from Macbeth, spoken by Macbeth)

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,

Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,

To the last syllable of recorded time;

And all our yesterdays have lighted fools

The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!

Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player,

That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,

And then is heard no more. It is a tale

Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,

Signifying nothing.

(Meaning… technically (as demonstrated above)… signifying everything.)

Listen while you think:

Alan Walker & ISÁK — Sorry (Official Music Video) — YouTube

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