Economic Freedom

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
7 min readOct 12, 2021

And its relationship to technology (and physics).

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

A full understanding of the cryptic-universe is our way to economic freedom, but not without a ‘cost.’ The ‘cost’ of learning a new way to think about reality (especially, from a ‘physics’ point of view). And, also, then, a commitment to, perhaps, radical ‘ideas,’ that challenge everything we think we ‘know,’ about everything.

Information: One Zero and One One

So, first, it’s good to know what economic freedom has to do with the cryptic universe (crypto-currency in general). Where the cryptic universe is another way of thinking about the information economy, and information technology, along with the role of ‘information’ in physics. ‘Information’ in finance. And, of course, ‘information’ in ‘reality.’

So, let’s start with the whole idea of ‘information.’

What is information? It’s any physical identity you can observe. In any context. Deliverable (and derivable) from a basic ‘zero’ and ‘one’ that is the (literal) circumference and diameter of an always-conserved (always-present) (totally prescient) circular-linear relationship (the conservation of a circle).

It looks like this. Which is an NFT (non-fungible token) for reality (the circular-linear relationship behind all of the information in (what humans label) ‘reality’:

Non Fungible Token
Circular-Linear Relationship (One Zero) (One One)

The Non-Fungible Token

Thus, everything reduces and expands to this diagram (think: token). Change the word ‘token’ to ‘tokenization’ because tokenization is both a noun and verb. And this token (the diagram) is both a noun and a verb. Thus, all information, whether you are aware of it or not, and, whether, once you are aware of it, you believe it or not, depends upon this diagram (again, this tokenization) (is the tokenization of tokenization).

This is because it is impossible to tokenize anything without one circumference (one zero) and one diameter (one one). A unified background (that produces everything in the foreground). Think: one female and one male, thus, continual (consensual and non-consensual (consentual and non-consentual) sex) (again, see the diagram). (Where sex is, obviously, the tokenization of a circle.) (As is every other noun and-or verb in Nature.)

So, this is a radical idea. That requires you to rethink everything you think you know about everything. Everything in, what humans label, ‘reality’ (think: Nature) is a non-fungible token (a token for tokenization).


The Physics Behind Reality

Thus, to bring you up-to-date in physics, the leading ‘modern’ physical theories of ‘reality’ include Quantum Bayesianism and Relative Quantum Mechanics. Both are (unnecessarily complicated explanations) meant to explain (simple) self-referential recursion and quantum entanglement (the role of an observer in ‘reality’). Skimming these articles will make it far easier for you to understand tokenization as the ‘core dynamic in Nature.’ (The diagram in this article.) (Why it’s impossible to use ‘words’ in order to understand what’s really happening in Nature.)

Self-Referential Recursion
Quantum Entanglement
RQM and-or QB (Any X and-or Y)
Observer and Observation

The simple, realistic, explanation for quantum mechanics (and classical mechanics) (complexity in general) is perpetual tokenzation (Nature operating as a circle) (also known as cycle) (continually generating zeroes and ones) (one zero and one one).

Humans are able to tokenize reality because Nature is a continual tokenization of a circle (explaining why technology is dependent on one zero and one one) (one circumference and one diameter). Where ‘pi’ (in mathematics) is the technical term for, what a human experiences as ‘his and-or her,’ ‘mind.’

That is, any X and Y (any X and X) resolves its ‘self’ using the diagram above (and, also, below) (X and Y) (0 and 1):


That is, it is impossible to have a single X, thus Nature duplicates its ‘self,’ without the knowledge of numbers. This is because Nature is an uber-basic circle representing (and represented by) an infinite number of (a continual tokenization of) circles.

Correcting Incorrect Assumptions About a Circle

Most people visualize a circumference when you use the word ‘circle.’ This is incorrect. Most people visualize a diameter when you use the word ‘line.’ This is, also, incorrect.

It is impossible to have a circumference without a diameter, so you can only use this diagram if you want to understand the core dynamic in Nature (the conservation of a circle) (one circumference and one diameter) (an unlimited number of circumferences and diameters) (an unlimited number of zeroes and ones).

Circle and Line
Zero and One

This diagram, and, the understanding that goes with it, explains, first and foremost, the motivation of Nature, and, thus, and therefore, the motivation for everything in Nature.

Nature’s Motivation First

That is, Nature’s motivation (and our motivation, unbeknown to ‘us’) is to conserve a circle (no matter what we do) (including creating and using all forms of information).

Thus, sports and weather illustrate this beautifully. Everything changes because nothing (underneath) is changing. Meaning the universal system architecture for sports and weather is the same:

Sports and Weather (The News)

Throw in politics. And, thus, the media. Media in general (also known, to all of us, as ‘intelligent autonomy.’) Meaning we are free to observe and express an opinion about our observations (under all systems) (all disciplines).

But underneath it all, we’re, all of us, doing nothing more (or less) than conserving a circle. Tokenizing a circle (no matter what we do).

Universal System Architecture

Half and Half: Half and Whole

This will be easy for half to accept. And, also, easy, for half-to reject (proving conservation of a circle). Yin and yang (ancient) zero and one (modern). Half-and whole in math (you cannot have one without the other) (going back to you cannot have a circumference without a diameter).


Constant and Variable

So, the diagram is constant. Everything else is variable. You cannot have a constant without a variable, and, always vice versa. These must conserve a circle. Explaining why everything changes, even though nothing is changing.

Constant Variable

Thus, the role of information is invariable. And, indispensible.

So, go back now to the idea of economic freedom, and combine it with a cryptic universe and the constant variable that is called ‘information’ (non-fungible tokens) (tokenization in general). And you have, then, the recipe (and an accurate prediction) for our future.

Not all that difficult to understand (especially if you are a technologist) (explaining why we are all technologists, whether we realize it or not).

Technology and Technologists

Mind and Matter: The Frameless Frame of Reference

Thus, the circular relationship between mind and matter explains them both (pi is the only observer).


Proving we can look forward to a very different future that is based on our interpretations and eventual utilization of the metaverse (circular relationship between mind and matter). A radical understanding of the whole idea (and capability) of ‘mind.’ Neuroscience, and genetics, notwithstanding (but very much included). The universe (and, therefore, the metaverse) is nothing more (or less) than a neural network (the tokenization of a circle).

Thus, there is a (mandatory) circular (linear) realationship between any X and X (overlooked since ancient times) thus…

Conservation of the circle is the only dynamic in Nature. We’re finally getting there. Toward a complete understanding of our reality. Time to move forward. Economic freedom. For all. Biomemetics: The Tokenization of Reality eBook : Yardley, Ilexa: Kindle Store

Everything about biomemetics… (and decisioning…)

See, also: The Cryptic Universe. How technology is answering our deepest questions about reality… | by Ilexa Yardley | The Circular Theory | Medium

