Living in a Tokenized (Think: Cryptic) Reality

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
5 min readJun 7, 2021

Also known as the ‘cryptic universe…

Photo by Brandon Wong on Unsplash

Scientists and technologists would have nothing to ‘do,’ if we weren’t living in a tokenized reality. Also known as a ‘cryptic universe….


Meaning everyone already ‘knows’ a circle controls reality (more commonly known as a cycle). However, we ‘pretend,’ on some level, not to know this, so we can ‘research,’ and-or ‘study,’ other terms (cryptic analyses), in order to continually conserve this always-conserved circle (continually create tokens for this circle).

Because every time we create, or inter-react with, a token (a group of tokens), we are creating (tokenizing), and, therefore, conserving, an always-conserved circle (all tokens tokenize a circle) (and, yes, this is, totally, circular.)

This means the cryptic universe doesn’t give up its secrets all that easily. You have to ‘study’ them for a ‘lifetime’ (spend your life tokenizing everything), and, then, Nature has designed it so, you (and all the rest of ‘us’) ‘die.’ While all of our tokenizing keeps a circle in control.

Life and Death


That is, life and death, any species, any object, any time, and any place, is a token for ‘reality,’ where ‘reality,’ then is an uber-cryptic circle (or, if you’d rather, an uber-cryptic, but, continually-conserved, cycle).

The Uber-Cryptic Cycle

That is, look at the diagram and you can see a cryptic (and-or tokenized) male and female. Having sex. To divide and conquer (continually multiply).

That is, zero and one (ancient) is yin and yang (modern) (and-or vice versa).

Meaning the male and female are tokens, both of them (both of us) for a circle (an uber-cryptic universe).

Zero and One (Yin and Yang) (Female and Male)

X and X

This means, once you ‘see’ the diagram, the universe is no longer cryptic. That is, it’s pretty clear, that any X and X produce an always-present (in technical terms, an always-conserved) circle. Nothing more. Nothing less.

This means relativity is, more technically, identified as (tokenized as) ‘circularity.’ Which explains radiation, rotation, and revolution (the basic unversal movements) (pi-diameter-circumference) (tokens for reality).

That is, only a circle can circle, even though man tokenizes a circle by changing its name (and then google tokenizes the names by changing them into cash). Where cash, obviously, is a token for a circle (exchange in general), and, thus, cash becomes a token for reality (a human person’s life).


Blocks and Chains

So, this explains the whole blockchain (and cyrptocurrency) movement, where a block and a chain, again, are tokens for a circle, since any unit (any object, abstract and-or ‘real’) is, again, a token for a circle (technically the token for a token is the diagram above) (below):


This is because to create a token you need to have a circle in the background (the diagram is in the background at all times). Thus, the diagram is not just a token, it is the correct token for tokenization (token as a noun and-or a verb).


Mind Matters

So, now you are at the point in your ‘thinking’ where you can identify your mind (and, thus, your brain) as a token for a circle (also known as pi), since anything that goes into or comes out of your brain (your ‘mind’) requires a circle in the background.

That is, the basis for reality is the circular (linear) relationship between X and X (any X) (every X). And this explains all nodes and networks.

X and X

So, now ‘we’re at the cryptic part…’

Ambiguity (Cryptic Reality)

That is, how can the diagram be X and X, and, also, ‘X’?

Well a circle has a circumference and a diameter, so X and X make X. Where X and X are the same. And X and X are, also, different.

Circumference and Diameter

And, if you, take your time to, think, carefully, about this, you will understand everything about everything. (All tokens (words and ideas) articulate a circle (depend upon a circle).)

Sidestep Differentiation (and, also, Integration)

This will allow you to sidestep all of the difficulties created by the systems mankind creates (in order, ironically, to make reality less cryptic).

That is, we program our ‘selves’ to use cryptic tokens in order to understand something that is pretty simple (although it’s always hidden) (or, maybe we can use the word (or token) ‘cryptic’ for ‘hidden,’ meaning, no matter what, it’s always cryptic).

Cryptic Reality

When, underneath it all, it’s not cryptic at all. It just takes some time to think through. Thus with the diagram, your thinking is now yours, anew.

Reality No Matter How It’s Tokenized

Meaning, the diagram is our reality (no matter what we ‘do’), and this, thus, frees us, to detach, from (now that we truly understand) all of our systems (including everything in technology) so we can ‘breathe’ our lives anew. (Whatever it is we think we’d like to do.)

Everything we do, no matter when or how, or where or why, or with whom, we do it (when we do X), the diagram has already done it for us (with us) (as us). This explains tokenized reality and the cryptic universe. You are already living it. So, rethink it. Carefully. And, then. Have fun! Biomemetics: The Tokenization of Reality eBook: Yardley, Ilexa: Kindle Store

Continue with: Universal System Architecture. How crypto-reality (and reality in… | by Ilexa Yardley | The Circular Theory | Jun, 2021 | Medium

See, also, The Circular Theory publication on Medium. The Cryptic Universe: How Technology is Answering Our Deepest Questions about Reality eBook : Yardley, Ilexa

