The Circular Theory Peace Project

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
4 min readJun 5, 2017

Peace is all about war, internal, external.

Function of Governing (War and Peace) (Personal Prosperity)

The function of government, internal and external, is to provide a strategic platform for optimal performance (for all of its citizens) (public, private) (individual, group).

There is an assumed circular relationship between individual and group, meaning, self-protection (circular relationship between self and other-self) produces both individual and global peace (and prosperity) (freedom) for all. Therefore, the strategic platform lives in every person’s mind.

We all know conflict begins within, and then reproduces itself externally. So, the only intelligent program for peace is to acknowledge the conflict (war, anger) (fear, misunderstanding) resident within (self) (any and every person) (war and peace) (zero and one)(circumference and diameter) (any X and-or Y).

Inherent Dangers (and Opportunities)

This means we already understand the dangers inherent in individual performance, and the natural problems within group dynamics (people get along half-the-time, guaranteed). We also understand the (hidden) (implied) problem (opportunity) (balance) between public and private service (people share and cooperate half-the-time, guaranteed).

However, assumption and identification are (also) circularly related, therefore, we have complete control, all of us, (using the strategic awareness of a natural 50–50) (meaning we can structure a narrative no matter what is happening) (the narrative will always be (half) true, so, in (circular) reality, anything goes. (It is impossible to separate half and whole).

This means everything is half-the-time-difficult, half-the-time-impossible, And, half-the-time, the opposite of these, (so, half-the-time-whatever-we-want-it-to be).

Complementary perspective surfaces as complementary opposition (complementarity in general).

Humanism and Globalism

So, therefore the circular relationship between humanism and globalism (individualism and circularity) (an individual and a group) explains (and controls) all narratives (and perspectives) (private, personal, public, global) and produces all outcomes (easily) (without force, pressure) (etc.).

Thus, motivation and metric (market, method, and message) (connection, integration) (maximization, monetization, appreciation) are most generally (and specifically) the same (X and Y integrates everything).

So, this confuses everything. (Pi is the mathematical name for mind, global and specific.) (Underneath it all, pi controls everything.) (Pi is a hidden circle. Constant 50–50. Very simple. Produces, what to humans seems like, extreme complexity.)

Sophisticated Thinking

It also explains why everything seems chaotic and overwhelming (nature is 50–50 no matter what we do) (technology is zero and one, 50–50) (50–50 is the norm, and 50–50 is the constant).

Sophisticated thinkers take the time to understand, embrace, and, then, teach universal circularity (by example). Meaning, everyone is a sophisticated thinker.

Everyone understands, embraces, and teaches circularity (by example) (whether they are aware of it or not).

Personal Responsibility, Evenly Shared (Whether We Like It Or Not) (Whether We Realize It Or Not)

There is also (always) the opportunity for (and the problem with) self-promotion, stemming from the natural complementary identity resident everywhere (and anywhere) (within and without) (circular relationship between hero and separation anxiety) (repressed anger and any action), which produces ambiguity and ambivalence (boredom), and this can easily be harnessed (optimized) to produce whatever is necessary (to succeed, or fail) (individual and global).

Meaning, the self-fulfilling prophecy dictates reality.

These ideas give all of us a personal responsibility and accountability which can no longer (can always) be ignored (denied) (reconfigured) (offset) etc. Individualism and circularity are involved in (and control) everything (giving everyone a way out) (a way in) (a voice) (silence).

Understanding Circularity

1. Duplicity: Complementarity, Reproduction, Sequence
Complementarity is the basis for identity (X and Y is X and X’).

2. Universality: Always, Never, Sometimes
Duplicity is the basis for a unit. (X and Y is X and X.)

3. Relativity: More or Less, Here and There, Then and Now
Integration is the basis for differentiation. (Equal sign represents a circular relationship.)

4. Uncertainty: Why and How, Possibility and Probability, Observation and Speculation
Relativity is the basis for uncertainty. (Everything is relative.) (Everybody knows this.)

5. Insecurity: Volatility, Complexity, Chaos
Uncertainty is the basis for security. (No yin without yang.)

6. Ideology: Assumption, Expectation, Modification
Assumption is the basis for observation. (Expectation is experience, and vice versa.)

7. Actuality: Why and How, When and Where, Who and What
Duplication (negation) is the basis for actualization. (Duplication is negation, and vice versa.)

Conservation of the Circle is the only dynamic in Nature.

