Customer Spotlight: Meagan Schultz

Clinical Researcher. Accidental Influencer. Our Queen of Laundry.

The Clothesline
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2019


Here at 2ULaundry, it’s not uncommon to work your way up the ranks. We’ve had members of the 2U team start out as drivers and then join one of our HQ teams, getting the chance to land their dream role within the company (looking at you, Luke!). It came as no surprise when our superstar Brand Ambassador, Meagan Schultz, was able to conquer a similar feat. After being a customer for less than a year, Meagan has been using her social media platforms to spread the word about 2ULaundry. At that point, it only made sense to invite her to become a 2U Brand Ambassador and eventually crown her as our Queen of Laundry in our very first ad (though she doesn’t do it herself). Get to know our Queen of Laundry, Meagan Schultz.

How long have you lived in Atlanta?

I’ve lived in Atlanta all my life. I think I’m one of the few people that can say they were actually born and raised here.

How did you first come across 2ULaundry?

As you know, I’m really active on Instagram and social media, and doing laundry — for me at least — has always been my biggest pet peeve. I must’ve hinted or posted about it in one of my stories because a friend reached out and was like, “Haven’t you heard of 2ULaundry?”.

What parts of the service did you fall in love with?

First, I could immediately tell a difference in just how clean my clothes smelled compared to how I’ve washed my clothes at home, haha. I love the feeling of putting on a new shirt and feeling how clean it is.

What led you to become a 2U Brand Ambassador?

For my 9-to-5, I work at Grady Hospital doing clinical research and I travel for meetings sometimes depending on different meetings and conferences, and 2ULaundry was really great for coming home after those work trips. I could just throw all of my laundry from the trip into a bag and send it off. I’m also a big fan of sharing what I love on social media, so I thought that if this is something beneficial to me and my life — as a single dog mom, haha — it might be able to help out someone else.

Want help Meagan spread the word about saving time from laundry & dry cleaning? Learn about how you can become a 2ULaundry Brand Ambassador by emailing



The Clothesline

Laundry and Dry Cleaning, Delivered. #TimeIsDelicate