April Writing Prompt — The Coffeelicious


The Coffeelicious


The Coffeelicious Writing Prompt is back and this time, we’re not just looking for one story but 2 stories rolled into one. Yes, you read that right.

Here’s what you have to do:

Take a situation, any situation; from a date to a war zone (though both feel way too similar). Use that situation and describe it from the perspective of two separate people.

Got it? No? Here’s an example:

Every story has a side to it, depending on who narrates it, like two sides of the same coin. Human interactions are dotted with stories. Bring these stories alive with a different character’s perspective and show us (don’t tell) how the scene changes from one mind to another. The possibilities are intriguing.

Once you’re done writing the story, keep this in mind:

  • Submit the story as a response to this writing prompt.
  • Tag your story with the hashtag #2sidestories.
  • One story per writer.
  • You have a deadline till 25th of April, so get cooking.

Once you’ve submitted your story, wait for this:

  • The 7 best stories will be featured in The Coffeelicious as Writing Prompt Highlights. (Yeah, that’s a new tab, keep an eye out for it.)
  • The writer will be added as a permanent writer for The Coffeelicious (if they aren’t one yet).
  • The featured stories will go out in a letter to our over 80k followers, in the first week of May.

The featured stories will be selected by the Editors of The Coffeelicious (Abby Norman, Vyoma Nupur, Srinath Reddy, Akshay G, Bonni Rambatan, Gary Rogers) and Ernio Hernandez, a playwright and avid The Coffeelicious contributor, who shared his idea with us, and will be helping in the selection of the stories to highlight in our upcoming Letter. Read his example to spark your inspiration.

Check out our → December Writing Prompt

October Writing Prompt ← One more!

