I wrote this for you: Good and more than enough.

Gina Y
1 min readNov 27, 2019


*Part of the I wrote this for you series.**

Remember what matters.
What really matters.

Fear can be informative, but don’t let it paralyze you.
Don’t it let it tell you what to do.
Don’t let it hear what it wants to hear.

Don’t let fear take the paintbrush and set the scene,
or take the pen and write the narrative.

This world is layered and complicated.
Yet fear makes it specific and definitive.
It says, there is only one way and outcome.

This world can be simple and beautiful.
Fear says it’s too much, that nothing is what it seems.
Sometimes things are what they seem and tenfold.

Don’t let fear tell you who you are.
Who they are. Who we all are.

We are humans, trying our best.
We’re all secretly, desperately trying to be better,
to be more, to be enough.
And that is heartbreaking and noble and incredible.

Remember what matters.
And try like hell to remember who you are.

Good. And more than enough.

Written for you and your story.
Thank you for sharing and for the honor of being able to hear you.

Can I write something for you?

Share your story here.



Gina Y

Storytelling for a more empathetic world. I like words and people. Oh and butter, cultured butter.