How to make your bubble strong???

Rachna Nayak
The Coffeelicious
Published in
3 min readAug 4, 2016

How does a bubble break?

You walk out of the beauty parlour with your sexy pixie cut, the new cut makes you feel beautiful. After all, you were bored with the long hair. You start loving the way the air touches your neck, you love the way your hair gives your face a new definition, you tease your hair ten times a day and there you are happily dancing in your bubble that shines in the sun. But just two days after that, you meet a friend with long hair and find her playing with it, you notice how happy she is, which reminds you of your long locks that you said good-bye to and there it is- a small dent in your bubble or probably a hole which causes the air to move into your bubble suffocating you at times; the times that you hate what you did to your long hair and you fail to realize your bubble is pretty fragile to have broken so easily.

They walk past you; people who are better than you and there it is boom! Your bubble breaks. You see people walking on the street that are able to carry off the new jumpsuits pretty fashionably, people richer than you, people better than you and then at your work place someone or the other outperforms you. No matter how much hard you try and even though you might have achieved your dream success, there is always going to be someone better than you. Someone strong enough to break your bubble, to make you suffocate. You let your bubble break little by little everytime and then it gets too late to survive and you die in your own bubble leaving it without a shine, lifeless and dark.

Then there are times when someone says you ain’t worth it, when someone tells you that you aren’t beautiful, when someone makes you feel worthless and all you feel is the shattering of your curved sheet of happiness. At all times like these and many others, when your bubble breaks, make it a point to strengthen it up. To redecorate your bubble. But how do you do it? MAKE IT SHINE. Add sparkles to it. Add love to it. Dance on your favourite music. Kiss yourself like never before. Comfort yourself around your friends and family, light a candle and strengthen your bubble.

Believe in someone who says that you are beautiful, you are perfect, you are worth it and you deserve all the happiness and love even when its you who is saying that. Live your bubble, make it strong.


In this small world you got one space that you are been blessed with, that you can call it completely yourself and you rule that space. So be the queen or the king, be the sun of your bubble guard it and protect it. Make it so strong and full of life that every part of it has your shine, that every inch of space in it shines with your name and reflects the beauty that you are. Every inch of your bubble rejoices the life you live, the colour you wear, the smile on your lips and the blush on your cheeks.

Next time you walk out the door, walk among legends or haters don’t ever let the bubble break. Make your bubble so strong that when someone tries to break it, they fall back gently and get a color or yet a sparkle of your bubble on theirs.

To all the bubbles of different colors : “If you liked reading it please fill in the ❤ or Leave a colorful comment or else just spread happiness. Follow me if you would like to read more.
Some of my previous stories:

Being a “pro” at losing in the game of life

Never have I ever?

