Most Promises Are Broken Before They Are Given.

Ariel A. Tabaks
The Coffeelicious
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2016

In the previous post I reflected on a bright opportunity we all have. That we can create expensive promises, because there are so many cheap ones. Today I’m cutting the heart open, by saying that most promises are broken even before they are said. It doesn’t matter if it’s a promise to your girlfriend, yourself or the one written in your brand ad.

Promises are directly related to attention. The itchy case here is that today most people are comfortable with low attention span. We are not bothered to give long attention, because there are so many new and exciting distractions, that delivers a burst of good feelings. Why be uncomfortable and figure out something, if you can ditch it and find something else. Long attention is left in the closet with other “dated” concepts.

However, as Gym Jones puts it, long attention is the real deal — “Constant attention to your goals is how you reach the next level”

When you step back and think about it, the promise economy at the beginning was set on the foundation that you are rich in your attention. If I expand this a bit further, we once were fortunate to give expensive promises.

As people become less available and busy, there’s a growing opportunity to master expensive promises.

I appreciate your attention.



Ariel A. Tabaks
The Coffeelicious

Expectation management, expectation positioning. Fresh ideas from a 24 year old living in UK