The U.S. Has a Fake President

Forget “Fake News.” The real story is Trump’s incompetence and incoherence.

Joy Saint James
The Coffeelicious
2 min readFeb 21, 2017


Behind all the fake, overcompensating bluster, who’s the real and the true Don John Trump? Is he not only faking it as President but even faking it as a man?

Whenever Donald John Trump sees a news story that he doesn’t like, he calls it “fake news.” But what’s really fake is Trump himself.

Trump conveniently “forgets” the inconvenient truth that his election was largely propelled by “real” fake news propagated by him and his co-conspirators, e.g., thousands of Muslims across the Hudson in New Jersey cheering as the Twin Towers crashed down on 9/11; Ted Cruz’s father helping somehow to assassinate President Kennedy; and, of course, the whole “birther” controversy to undermine the legitimacy of President Obama.

While he angrily denounces the leaks about his Administration’s inner-workings as “real” and “illegal,” he calls the news stories reporting those leaks “fake news.” While he vows to cut government “waste,” he spends more taxpayers’ dollars on the security requirements for Trump Tower, Mar-a-Lago, and his sons’ business travel around the globe in one month than Obama spent in a whole year.

Such hypocrisy! And he doesn’t even blush.

And that’s one of the most obvious reasons that Trump is a fake President. A real President commands respect, no matter his political leanings. Of all the criticisms leveled at previous Presidents, I don’t think any of them was ever deemed a hypocrite.

A real President is intellectually curious, likes to read, and has a vocabulary above a 5th grade level.

A real President, at least during the first days in office, tries very hard to transcend partisan differences to be leader of all Americans. All Trump cares about is his base, and the more he disparages his political opponents (not to mention the press), the more he fires up his base.

Is Trump even a real man? When someone brags as much as he does, you have to wonder. In my experience, the more a man brags, the more he’s covering up. The more he acts like a macho ladies’ man (“grabbing pussy”), the more he’s just the opposite. Ask the sexy celebrities Trump “dated” between divorces; apparently the only “action” he desired was to be photographed for the New York tabloids and society pages.

Certainly, he’s not a real gentleman. Did you see the way he treated Melania at the Inauguration?

Maybe Trump isn’t even a real person, but an alien instead? That would explain why one of my friend’s children starts to cry whenever Trump’s image and loud language comes on the television. An alien, yes! That would explain everything, wouldn’t it?



Joy Saint James
The Coffeelicious

Postmodern Moll Flanders, adventuress, sinner, explorer, yogani. Recovering prude, former nerd, brainy bimbo. Day job Big Bad Banking. Twitter @ScholarlySlut