Photo by John Bauer.

Where Is Your Home?

Comatose Podcast
The Coffeelicious
Published in
2 min readJan 30, 2016


I woke up the other day to a surprise I knew was coming.

What do you call home when you grew up all over? Born in one town, lived in a few others, always changing schools. Home loses meaning among all the moving trucks and lost friends.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between nostalgia and a nightmare.

I woke up the other day thousands of miles away from my family.

What is the value of personal growth if you end up isolated? Always learning new things, gaining knowledge, and earning degrees. Home loses meaning when there’s no one to share it with.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between interest and distraction.

I woke up the other day in a life I made for myself.

What is the point of proving yourself if you don’t believe in yourself? A constant pursuit for something greater, something better, something grander. Home loses meaning when it’s always just beyond your grasp.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between pride and shame.

I woke up the other day speaking a language my parents do not.

How far does your personality expand beyond your words? A culture so far removed from everything you once knew makes it hard to remember what home feels like.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between appropriate and awkward.

Photo by John Bauer.

I woke up the other day to the news that the closest thing I have to a home is now for sale. And while I always say I never had a home, and have removed myself so far from the life I had in that house, the news shocked me into sadness.

If the closest thing I’ve ever had to a home is gone, how can I ever go home?

Listen to this week’s episode, Time, Dostoyevsky, and Empathy:

Written by John Bauer of Comatose.

Comatose is a weekly series of amusing anecdotes, insightful commentary, and pithy stories. Every week three contributors are featured in short segments. The segments, though often unrelated, are tied together using music and narration to set the scene. Relax and enjoy the ride while listening to topics as varied as love, birthdays, and reciprocity.

You can find Comatose on Facebook, Twitter, iTunes, and Stitcher.

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Comatose Podcast
The Coffeelicious

A short weekly collection of pithy stories and insightful commentary. See more at