About The Comedy Kitchen

Who we are and what we do

Kyle Mann
The Comedy Kitchen


My name is Kyle Mann, Operations Coordinator at Dunedin Cares and founder of The Comedy Kitchen. I write to fight food insecurity in my community, Dunedin, Florida.

A big check for Dunedin Cares food pantry.
That's me, in the back, left-hand side.

One thing people don’t realize about food pantries is that we need food ALL year round, not just during the holidays. So, I’m writing for Dunedin Cares in an attempt to supplement our supply all year long.

100% of the profits generated from MY stories published in The Comedy Kitchen through Medium’s Partner Program go directly to Dunedin Cares, a local food pantry I support.

Laugh, give back, and subscribe now!

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Support me with your membership, then read The Comedy Kitchen to support the hungry. But don’t wait! Act now; giggles guaranteed!

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Not convinced?

Follow The Comedy Kitchen, and I’ll share with you the monetary impact we’re generating, as well as details about my personal and professional life at the pantry. Lots of fun stuff!

What do I write?

Well, I’ve conducted some extensive research, and it turns out that laughter is a pretty popular activity among the Homo sapiens species. My writing style is a mix of sarcasm, absurdity, and wit — basically, everything that makes your grandma spit out her dentures.

For example, here’s the “friend link” to one of my favorites:

How you can help?

Are you a wise guy? Consider writing for us!

You can also donate directly to the pantry on our website: https://dunedincares.org/. Thanks in advance for all the support.

I look forward to hearing from everyone! Feel free to ask me anything in the comments section.

