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The Constant
The Constant
Concerning the human. Notes on tech, design, media
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Adobe Web Fonts

Adobe enters the web fonts business through Typekit. Adobe Tyblography’s Christopher Slye on the subject:

«For this debut of Adobe Web Fonts, I think we’ve made some great choices. Everyone knows Myriad and Minion — pervasive workhorse sans serif and serif typefaces…

Adobe announces Digital Publishing platform

Adobe announced today a new Digital Publishing Platform targeting particularly mobile devices like tablets and smartphones. The aim of this platform is to enable print publishers to create digital versions of their magazines to life. For that Adobe is…

Adobe and Wired Magazine for iPad

A few weeks ago I wrote a piece in which I touched the subject of digital magazine publishing business as a great opportunity for Adobe. In the article I suggested a path for this new magazine paradigm — some kind of application that would be like Adobe’s InDesign but…

Adobe’s answers to Apple with ad campaign

An open letter from Adobe’s founders Chuck Geschke and John Warnock titled “Our thoughts on open markets” is targeting Apple. Seems Steve Jobs’ recent letter spurred an even more vivid reaction from Adobe. Adobe’s founders letter is part of a “Freedom of…