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The Constant
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Apple Legal vs Lodsys

Previously: Apple Legal sends letter to Lodsys claiming that Apple has licensed Lodsys patents on behalf of all iOS third-party developers. Lodsys answers stating that Apple is misunderstanding the license at hand, and starts filing lawsuits against seven small iOS developers.
Today, Apple…

Apple Legal’s letter to Lodsys

Macworld has posted the full text of Apple Legal’s letter to Lodsys regarding the latest patent shenanigans:

I expect that the additional information set out below will be sufficient for you to withdraw your outstanding threats to the App Makers and…

The Alpha Android Roars

Google’s “open” is something neat, right?
Ashlee Vance and Peter Burrows’ article
, for BusinessWeek:

Google has been demanding that Android licensees abide by “non-fragmentation clauses” that give Google the final say on how they can…

Adobe’s answers to Apple with ad campaign

An open letter from Adobe’s founders Chuck Geschke and John Warnock titled “Our thoughts on open markets” is targeting Apple. Seems Steve Jobs’ recent letter spurred an even more vivid reaction from Adobe. Adobe’s founders letter is part of a “Freedom of…

iPhone OS 4 Preview

Apple has posted online a brief summary of the main features of iPhone OS 4. There’s also a mention of iAd, the new mobile advertising platform. I think iAd has the potential to be really big.