Almond Milk

A quick and easy recipe to add to your healthy kitchen

Julie Gaeta
The CookBook for all


Julie Gaeta, Quick and easy homemade almond milk. Sweetened or unsweetened, healthy kitchen, nuts are beneficial in preventing obesity, lowering risk for heart disease, use in smoothies, cereal, dairy-free, vegan
Photo by Miguel Gaeta

Have you tried making almond milk yet? I love how easy and versatile it is to prepare. You can sweeten or not– drink it, use in cereal, matcha tea lattes, smoothies, or as a replacement in recipes calling for milk. You can even freeze almond milk to use at a later time.

It’s a delicious, healthy, dairy-free alternative worth your consideration.

Nuts have numerous health benefits too. For example, epidemiologic studies have associated nut consumption with helping to reduce heart disease, in addition to the beneficial effects on hypertension, cancer, and inflammation.

Studies also show that nuts have a cholesterol-lowering effect. And contrary to popular belief, another study shows a handful of nuts a day is preventive for weight gain.

Give it a try. You might just love it!



  • 5–6 cups filtered water (depending on the level of thickness you prefer)
  • 1 cup raw almonds

Optional Ingredients

  • 3 Medjool dates

