Hibiscus, Orange, and Ginger Iced Tea

How to make this easy, yummy, and healing tonic

Julie Gaeta
The CookBook for all


Photo by Miguel Gaeta

Hibiscus tea’s antioxidant levels are impressive, being up there on the same level as green tea.

Hibiscus significantly reduces blood pressure, as shown in this study, when consuming 3 cups per day. However, adults shouldn’t drink more than one quart daily, and children, no more than 2 cups per day due to the high levels of manganese.

I add dried orange peel granules, which are full of nutrients and vitamin C. Additionally, for an extra burst of zing and good health, add a small bit of ginger– it’s excellent for digestion, nausea, and migraines.

This fusion of flavors is a perfect mix of refreshing, along with being beneficial for your body.

Hibiscus, orange, and ginger iced tea


  • 4 Tbsp dried hibiscus bulk tea (also known as flor de Jamaica), or you can use 4 hibiscus tea bags
  • 8 cups filtered water
  • 2 Tbsp dried orange peel granules, or you can quarter a washed orange (preferably organic), leaving the peel intact.
  • 1/2 inch of ginger (peeled and cut in half)


