Business Development: Succeeding with Plan A

Erick Hoxter
The Copywriter Experience
3 min readOct 7, 2015


It’s pretty romantic to think that you’ll “make it” no matter what; however, knowing how you’ll make it is a whole different ball game.

The term “make it” is very relative, isn’t it? Some have ideas of owning a mansion and running a multi-million dollar company while others just want to earn an extra few thousand bucks a year.

Like most, I’m in the middle. My copywriting business is a means to an end, it’s a living, but it is also a work of passion.

While passion can cloud your head with irrationalities, there are a some things to consider when looking at the big picture and knowing if your idea is one to run away with.

First one is simple. The Market. Does your business idea generate interest? Without interest you are, in turn, being told that you’re idea is unwanted or unnecessary.

There are two easy ways to check the interest.

Is there already a market for what you want to do? Yes? Take a piece of the financial pie. No? Tread carefully and stay tuned.

If there is a market for your business you may be worried about saturation. Worry less about saturation and more about providing value for your target audience or market. The world today consists of “experts” and “gurus” every which way. Like the classic three-card-monte hustler, they are out to make a quick buck. What is essential for you is to understand is that with enough value and a transparent perception of value, your voice will break through the noise so long as you are genuine and consistent.

If you’re unsure about interest, make yourself sure the classic way. Whether it’s through Facebook or on the street, go out and ask a simple survey. “If you needed/wanted X would you think Y service would be of value?” “How do you or what are some ways that you currently take care of X?”

These questions may have you tweak or reconsider your plan. However, while 99% of businesses fail, that doesn't mean that 99% of businesses are unnecessary.

“There’s no reason to have a plan B because it distracts from plan A.” — Will Smith

That’s certainly a quote to live by once you understand that your product or service has piqued market interest. Or at the very least how your product or service can provide value once tweaked, there is no reason to consider other options once you’ve decided that you’re sticking with plan A — your work of passion.

Note that this blog isn’t to say that there is no reason to have a back up or contingency plan. The main point is to not give up on your ideas before it even has a chance if that is what you feel that you are set out to do.

Please feel free to share or recommend this article if you enjoyed it or have found it helpful. I’m always available for questions or good conversation so be sure to tweet them to me @erickhoxter. Cheers!



Erick Hoxter
The Copywriter Experience

Erick air-ick (n): Copywriter, blogger, chess hobbyist, philosophy nut, nature & science enthusiast, a music & performing arts junkie