Loss Creek — Seemingly fitting.

Why Your Creative Business is Going to Fail

Erick Hoxter
The Copywriter Experience
2 min readNov 17, 2015


It’s a known statistic that 8 out of every 10 businesses fail within the first 18 months — you did know that, right?

There are plenty of reasons a business can fail, however most are avoidable — it all depends on you.

Sometimes the market simply doesn't want your idea. There is no need for it. You’ve done some inaccurate market research or none at all and it has caused you to trip over your own laces. Nothing you can do there.

The biggest reason businesses fail is because of a lack of execution.

Let me explain.

Most of you are not playing the long game. Especially in creative services. If you've been in business for under a year, and are upset that things aren’t working out. You either don’t have a long term plan, or you suck at executing.

You have to do a lot of unpaid, unseen, work to succeed. Your marketing efforts will go unnoticed. For a seemingly long time people will not care about what you do — but you have to do it every day.

Content marketing is the diamond ring in the bottom of the ocean.

It takes a while to get there. Once you are there you don’t enjoy the diamond ring because it’s a ring… you enjoy it because you found it at the bottom of the ocean. You kept going. You were looking for something and didn’t give up until you’ve found it. That’s the Return on Investment for your content marketing.

Blog. Create videos. Tweet. Engage. Engage. Engage and network with other people.

Then, while you’re still doing that — sell. Close them.

Listen, you market yourself with a hefty content marketing strategy because you know your field. You know how to help others and solve pain points. Relay that to your prospects.

If you don’t know how to prospect click here are a few tips.

The ability to sell is your diving suit while you’re on your way to the bottom of the ocean in search of that diamond ring. It brings you cash.

Cash is oxygen. — Gary Vaynerchuk

Executing every single day on your marketing strategy, and your ability to sell your services as if nothing is owed to you WILL keep you afloat.

You just have to be willing to put in the work. 8 out of every 10 people aren’t willing.

Execute. Be great. And most importantly, share what you have learned with other people.



Erick Hoxter
The Copywriter Experience

Erick air-ick (n): Copywriter, blogger, chess hobbyist, philosophy nut, nature & science enthusiast, a music & performing arts junkie