Cosmic Parenting: My Journey with a Scorpio Toddler

Shaun Adams
The Cosmic Closet
Published in
6 min readSep 6, 2023


Can the Universe’s Wisdom guide us in raising our children? I invite you to explore the answer with me.

As a child, spending summers with my sister and cousins in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, one of my greatest joys was flipping through channels for my grandmother as she watched her afternoon soap operas. What fascinated me most was how each channel featured different actors, yet the characters and their stories felt oddly similar.

My personal journey of spiritual growth has led me to a profound realization — that in the grand theater of life, we are all, in essence, actors on its vast stage. Every encounter with another person is akin to changing channels on a television, each channel revealing a different soap opera in progress. This notion evokes the wisdom of Don Miguel Ruiz in his book, “The Fifth Agreement.” It underscores how art imitates life in intricate ways.

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Picture our interactions with people as if we’re switching between television channels. On Channel One, we see the characters and instinctively categorize them based on their physical attributes. Are they tall or short? Male or female? These surface-level details become our initial judgments.

With a simple click, we transition to Channel Two, where we view the characters through the lens of their social status. Here, we label people based on their professions or roles in society. “That’s Sue, the homemaker,” we might say, as if we’ve uncovered another layer of their story.

Now, let’s switch to Channel Three. Here, we perceive people through the lens of the zodiac. It’s like diving into a new soap opera, encountering characters who embody the distinctive traits of their astrological signs. You might meet someone and think, “Ah, you’re a Libra!” or “You must be a Gemini.” It’s as if the universe has handed us a script outlining their personalities and tendencies, enriching our understanding of their unique narratives.

And with another click, we arrive at Channel Four. Here, we see people through the lens of oneness. This channel brings a profound shift in perspective, as if realizing that every character in every soap opera is somehow connected to the same grand narrative. In these moments, we experience epiphanies when interacting with others. It’s like walking into a supermarket, striking up a conversation with the cashier, and discovering a significant shared trait. On this channel, we view them not as separate characters but as reflections of ourselves, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all humanity. It’s a place where the motto is, “You are another me, and I Am another you. We are One.”

But wait, there are even more channels beyond these, each revealing different facets of the human experience. Our journey today focuses on one of these channels, just as the vast world of television programming offers countless stories to explore.

Now, let me share my personal journey. I’ve embraced “the lens of the 12” on Channel Three, where I’ve encountered individuals representing each of the 12 zodiac signs. In my own life, my father and two sisters are Capricorns, while my mother exudes the essence of Leo. My wife, son, and eldest daughter are Cancers, and I am a Pisces. The cast of characters extends further, with childhood friends and acquaintances portraying different zodiac roles.

Yet, there’s one sign conspicuously absent from my life’s soap opera — Scorpio. It’s as if this character hasn’t made an appearance yet, leaving me curious and intrigued. When I ask others if they’ve met many Scorpios, their responses echo my own, as they recount limited encounters with this mysterious sign. To my fellow Scorpios out there, it’s as if you’re the elusive lead actor who has yet to step onto my stage. So, where are you hiding?

As a Piscean, I often consider myself a skilled diplomat who can connect with anyone. But can I truly claim this if I’ve never experienced the energy of a Scorpio? The Universe, it seems, had its own plans to answer this question. It chose to give me the most immersive Scorpio experience possible — by sending one into my own home.

In April of 2020, during a dinner with friends, I found myself captivated by my wife, Tia, from across the room. She emanated a beauty and radiance that triggered a sense of déjà vu, reminiscent of her appearance during her pregnancy with my two youngest children. Tia noticed my gaze and, perhaps hearing my unspoken thoughts, shot me a look that read, “Don’t you dare think it!” The next day, she took a pregnancy test, and guess what? We were about to have our third child.

Then, on November 11th, under the enchanting sign of Scorpio, at 7 pm, little Jacqueline Imani Adams (“Jia” for short) was born. Our lives haven’t been the same since.

Jia showing her flexibility

Jia challenged our preconceptions about parenting from the very beginning. You see, my other kids are Cancers like my wife. I thought Jia would be the same, but she wasn’t. Jia’s energy, temperament, and deep emotions left us puzzled.

We quickly realized that traditional parenting methods weren’t enough. We were eager for more ways to understand and nurture our precious little one. We started by integrating mindful, and conscious parenting techniques, which gave us some helpful insights, but we craved something more — a method that would truly resonate with our child’s unique essence. So, we started to look at the Universe.

We discovered that the stars hold a wealth of Wisdom. They offer us a unique lens through which to view our daughter’s unique traits and potential. It felt like the Universe Herself had given us a manual for our daughter, a guide inscribed by the cosmos. The more we leaned into this Cosmic Guidance, the more effective our parenting became.

Little did I know that this journey would not only provide me with insights into myself but also transform my parenting. My approach shifted from seeing my kids solely on channels 1 and 2 to considering the Universe’s perspective on them (channel 3).

Jia and I visiting the campus of UGA

Today, Jia is approaching her third birthday, and I can’t help but marvel at the profound impact she and all my children have had on my life. They’ve made me a better dad, husband, friend, and coach. Jia’s arrival made me see the Universe in a whole new way — on Channel Three. Without Jia’s arrival, I might never have felt the push to explore the Universe’s mysteries as deeply as I have. It’s a journey for which I’m immensely grateful. I even created a service to help parents called “Cosmic Parent Coaching.” I use astrology and numbers to help parents understand and raise their kids.

In my next few blog entries, I’ll share with you some of my observations and insights on Scorpios. Perhaps we can compare notes to see if my experiences match yours with Scorpios. This way, I can figure out what the Universe wants to teach me about this 12th zodiac sign that I’m just starting to encounter and understand on my journey. I invite you to stay tuned for the next chapter in this cosmic adventure!



Shaun Adams
The Cosmic Closet

Dad, Hubby, Author, Mystic, Healer, Parent Coach helping parents connect deeply with their kids to create cosmic harmony in their relationships. 💫