No Barriers: The Cosmic Journey of Scorpio

Shaun Adams
The Cosmic Closet
Published in
5 min readSep 14, 2023


Do you believe in magic? If you’ve ever wondered whether there’s more to the zodiac than meets the eye, then this article is for you. In my previous blog, I shared how my newest child, Jia, affectionately known as “Baby Scorpio,” has transformed our lives. The key to understanding her unique emotional temperament lay in her natal chart, an extraordinary tool that’s become our parenting manual. But it didn’t stop there; exploring astrology unveiled a universe of insights that extended far beyond her chart. It’s like having a secret guide to decode the mysteries of life.

In that article, I also shared how I never really knew anyone born under the sun sign of Scorpio for most of my life, until now. For this reason, I’ve decided to share some of my observations of dealing with a Scorpio so intimately for the first time. This is my 2nd of 3 articles where I hope to share my insights on the benefits of having a Scorpio in one’s life, and how astrology plays a key role in understanding them.

If I could sum up everything I’ve learned about the zodiac in a single sentence, it would be this:

Within each of the 12 signs lies a set of magical superpowers, bestowed upon every individual at the moment of their birth.

And I mean this quite literally, not metaphorically. These superpowers remain dormant until someone believes that All Things are possible. Let me explain by sharing my observations about just one of my daughter’s superpowers — a power that I believe all Scorpios possess, whether they’re aware of it or not.

Scorpio: Keepers of Mystical Secrets

Scorpios are renowned for their ability to both keep and uncover secrets. They’re drawn to all things mystical and have an insatiable thirst for unraveling the hidden truths of the world. This incredible talent isn’t just a casual curiosity; it’s a cosmic calling. Scorpios are destined to master the art of revealing vulnerabilities, a skill that’s guided by their inner third eye.

My journey into understanding this cosmic superpower began when my daughter was a mere 9 months old. In our living room, we’d crafted a makeshift fort to keep her safely within boundaries. Little did we know that she possessed the innate ability to find a vulnerability and exploit it. With no training or previous exposure to such situations, she pierced through our fort’s defenses.

My wife was able to capture this moment in the video below.

Witnessing her discovery left me in awe, and this phenomenon only became more intricate as she grew. And, it provided me with an extraordinary insight; that is:

To the Scorpio, there are NO BARRIERS except to that which they create in their mind.

Once they have decided to move beyond those self-imposed boundaries, the Universe Itself will flood one with everything needed to escape it. Honestly speaking, this is a gift that everyone has — but for the Scorpio, this gift is without effort.

But that’s not all; my little Scorpio has more tricks up her sleeve. She has an uncanny knack for hiding items with no apparent reason, only to make them reappear at her whim. It’s a spectacle that never ceases to amaze me.

The Cosmic Journey of Scorpio

On a grander scale, I believe that Scorpios are here to identify vulnerabilities in systems that no longer serve humanity. They unveil these weaknesses to pave the way for better systems to emerge. While some may label them as emotional, it’s their control over these emotions that grants them their extraordinary power.

I’ve come to understand that Scorpios can progress through seven distinct stages in their life journey — all of the 12 signs in the zodiac have their own stages as well. Allow me to explain the most important 3 stages of the Scorpio:

Stage 1: The Scorpion
At the initial stage, Scorpios are symbolized by the Scorpion. They are driven by their basic instincts and can exhibit intense emotions, secrecy, and possessiveness. Scorpios in this stage may sometimes react impulsively and be self-centered. They are learning to harness their inner power.

Stage 2: The Eagle
In the Eagle stage, Scorpios rise above their basic instincts and gain a higher perspective on life. They become more perceptive, strategic, and emotionally intelligent. The Eagle symbolizes a deeper level of consciousness, where Scorpios seek purpose and meaning in their lives. They are less reactive and more focused on transformation.

Stage 3: The Phoenix
The Phoenix stage represents the ultimate transformation and rebirth. Scorpios in this phase have undergone significant personal growth, often through a major life event or crisis. They emerge from the ashes of their old selves as more resilient, wise, and self-aware individuals. The Phoenix signifies their ability to rise stronger and more enlightened from challenges.

My wife and I are currently working with my daughter at the 1st and 2nd stages so that when she reaches the third, she would have harnessed her superpowers and will be ready to fly. Our main secret is simply to teach her that it is okay to BE. We do this through a technique I recently published called Cosmic Parenting,” an intuitive approach that uses Human Design, Numerology, and Astrology as a guide to nurture each child’s unique potential. It is rooted in the idea of letting your child be who they came on this planet to BE.

A Cosmic Vision for Scorpio and Beyond

It is my hope and belief that Jia, like all of the newborn children on this planet, will fully embrace their purpose and contribute to raising our planet’s vibrational frequency towards love and light. By ensuring that we don’t impose any limitations or limiting beliefs on our children, aka NO BARRIERS, we can all work towards this goal of our planet’s Ascension.

I hope you’ve enjoyed some of my observations thus far. If you’re a Scorpio, perhaps you resonate with the observations I’ve shared. If your sun sign is among the other 12, maybe this article will inspire you to discover your own superpowers and embrace your unique magic.

Stay tuned for my final article in this series, where we’ll explore even deeper into the world of Baby Scorpio. Trust me; it’s an adventure you won’t want to miss.



Shaun Adams
The Cosmic Closet

Dad, Hubby, Author, Mystic, Healer, Parent Coach helping parents connect deeply with their kids to create cosmic harmony in their relationships. 💫