The Crobees
The Crobees
3 min readJun 26, 2022


It’s time for us to reveal all the details about the Beeshop that we have been talking about for months. As the lottery tickets will be available for purchase in it, it was important for us to publish both at the same time.

Ready to do your groceries with your $HONEY ? 🍯


That is pretty simple to use, you have to see it as a simple marketplace where there is some items that you can buy. So you select the item and the amount of it you want to buy and you push the button “Buy”, as simple as that.

All the items available in the Beeshop are buyable in $HONEY, you will not be able to buy anything in $CRO or $USDC, it will add a really value to the token as you will see later on in this article.

The Beeshop is a whole part in our website and you will find it directly in the menu “Beeshop”.


The price of the items in the Beeshop will be at the discretion of the team. What you need to know is that each price is a decided after many thoughts and simulations in order to have the best value to the holders but also to the whole ecosystem.

The first items you are going to see in the Beeshop are the lottery tickets with the following prices:

  • Daily Lottery ticket: 2 $HONEY // No limited quantity
  • Weekly Lottery ticket: 5 $HONEY // No limited quantity
  • Monthly Lottery ticket: 10 $HONEY // No limited quantity

In the future, you will see many other items in the Beeshop and we can classify them in 2 categories: recurrent items and non-recurrent items. The lottery tickets are recurrent items, each months you’ll find them in the Beeshop.

Others items that will find in the future of the Beeshop are:

  • Crobees NFT
  • Limited quantity NFT items
  • Partners collections NFTs
  • And some surprises…


As for the lotteries, the Beeshop is composed of a burning process and fees to make the ecosystem perfectly balanced. Each items bought will saw the $HONEY distributed as followed:

  • ~50% Burnt
  • ~40% For the DAO wallet. These funds will be used to buy new items in the Beeshop, develop the marketing around the project…
  • ~10% For the team

These percentage are an example and are not fix in stone, they can move in the future depending on the items you are buying.

(This does not apply to the lottery tickets as they have an independent system.)

Each week, the burn and fees are distributed via a smart contract and we will set a bot so you will be able to follow each time the burning of the $HONEY. For the fees, they are going to be distributed automatically each week too through a smart contract and a vault so we can’t modify it in the future (more security for users).


As always, our team is focus on reliability and security for holders so we just need to test all the functionalities and to re-do an entire check-up before releasing. It should take us some days to do it.

The official launch date for the Lottery and the Beeshop is:
Wednesday 29th of June ←

Coming soon: A medium about the Crobees buyable in $HONEY will be release soon, same as the lottery or the Beeshop with all the explanations, details and some examples.

Stay buzzin’ 🐝

Your Crobees Team.

Enter into the hive

MINT a Crobees:

