Fintech Summer Meetup 2020 Reloaded!

Vicky Foteinou
The crowdpolicy collection EN
4 min readAug 6, 2020

Crowdpolicy organized the online Fintech Summer Meetup 2020, as sequence of the successful last year. The event was an opportunity to review the first months of a “different reality” of collaboration and working and how the digitized environment contributed to this direction. Due to technology all the participants gathered on the same screen. There were well known fintech experts participated, a great attendance from Visa, Banks, fintech experts, startup and fintech ecosystem. In the peak of the event, there was a gathering of around 80 people digitally. The event started with Professor Markos Zachariadis — Keynote Speaker who comprehensively informed the audience about the current fintech ecosystem status and the future of banking sector & banking services restructuring.

Keynote speech Professor Markos T. Zachariadis

The presentation of Mrs. Andreana Pappas, Country Manager Visa Greece thoroughly described the current developments and the evolution of operations in the field of payments. She admitted that we now live in the strange age of new regularity, where consumer needs have changed completely and got digitized. Additionally, she mentioned that this change of mentality for the neighbor and the planet, combined with the redefinition of priorities in our daily lives hides many opportunities for innovative entrepreneurship and prospects!

Mrs. Andreana Pappas, Country Manager Visa Greece

Next stop the Visa Innovation Program presentation which supports innovative entrepreneurship, digital innovation, constant synergies and networking in Visa’s global network. In the 1st Cohort participated 6 companies which at the moment growing rapidly, have built collaborations and gained further recognition. The 6 companies of the 2nd Cohort have adapted completely to the needs of “distant” working. Visa Innovation Program has managed to create new opportunities in the new digitized world of payments for them! The 3rd Cohort is scheduled for next November and new startups are expected!

Vicky Foteinou, Program Manager Crowdpolicy

Eleanna Koskina, Senior Client Marketing Executive of Visa for Greece & Cyprus, Prof. Angelos Tsakanikas (NTUA & IOBE) and Marinos Xynarianos, CDO of Crowdpolicy, were next to present the promising digitized chances in the field of SMEs (small and Medium enterprises), as long as they are ready to adapt to the new environment. Visa supports the SMEs and runs a relative campaign at the moment:

“Payments and digital transformation trends for Smes in the post- covid era”

Following, the new possibilities of cooperation and financing of fintech were dealt by a very productive dialogue panel, in which there was participation from Banks with the representation of Mr. Nikolaos Petrakis, Director Card Business Piraeus Bank, fintech international experts: Mr. Panagiotis Kriaris and Venture Capitals — mentioned here in alphabetical order Eleven Ventures, with Daniel Tomov, Co-founder, Metavallon and Unifund with Dora Trachana.

Moderator in this panel was Konstantinos Kalogerakis, Chief Innovation Officer, Crowdpolicy.

#Fintech collaboration and #funding in the post — covid era

Dimitris Stamatis, Chief Executive Officer at Daem SA mentioned the importance of cooperation among the private and public sector in opportunities that arise. Giorgos Karamanolis, Co-founder, CTO/CIO Crowdpolicy analyzed the future of smart cities and digitized products.

#Smart cities: #Transforming the way we live, work and travel

The startups of Visa Innovation Program were the next to take the floor — mentioned here in alphabetical order: ferryhopper, Linked Business, They shared their experience which emerged from the challenges they had to face all this period and how they adapted in these.

Participating in Visa Innovation Program led them to new ways of approaching payments and engaged them with a wider network of executives — stakeholders from Visa’s global network!!

“Visa Innovation Program — ferryhopper, Linked Business, — 1st Cohort”

All Relative videos — Playlist:

