Go to The crowdpolicy collection
The crowdpolicy collection
Awesome stories for crowd dynamics
Note from the editor

Awesome stories for crowd dynamics

Go to the profile of Michael Psallidas
Michael Psallidas
Business and Tech enthusiast working on crowd dynamics, #fintech #civictech #openinnovation
Go to the profile of Giorgos Karamanolis
Giorgos Karamanolis
Co-Founder & CTO/CIO at Crowdpolicy (CP), focused on digital transformation, startups, #fintech #civictech #opendata #opengovernment
Go to the profile of Depy Douros
Depy Douros
Operations Manager @Crowdpolicy
Go to the profile of Eleana Skourti
Go to the profile of Vicky Foteinou
Go to the profile of Konstantina Psoma
Go to the profile of Eleni Fouka
Go to the profile of Depy Douros
Depy Douros
Operations Manager @Crowdpolicy
Go to the profile of Vicky Foteinou
Go to the profile of Panagiotis Kinanlis
Panagiotis Kinanlis
Project Manager on EU funded projects | PhD Candidate @ Harokopio University
Go to the profile of Tassos Michalopoulos
Go to the profile of Konstantina Psoma
Go to the profile of Eleni Mavrogalou
Go to the profile of Yiorgis Chronas
Yiorgis Chronas
Content writer for Crowdpolicy — Media and Communication major at NKUoA.
Go to the profile of Maria Sotiriou