Tess Roby on tour to support debut album “Beacon”

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Fresh from her performance at Moogfest, the Montreal based photographer and indie dream pop music artist Tess Roby has embarked on a tour supporting Carla dal Forno —…

Spiritual Friendship’s Moogfest 2018 Durational Performance available on Soundcloud

Spiritual Friendship is a joint project of Nick Hook and Gareth Jones . The two first met during a recording in 2005 and became friends, connecting according to them “over a shared love…

The Five to look forward to at Moogfest 2018

Moogfest 2018 has personally been one of my favorite festivals. It’s a full blown event featuring appearances from around the world. Moogfest has performances, discussions, workshops and more. Many of the venues are in structures where weather isn’t an…