4 Easy Tips to Write ChatGPT Prompts for Beginners

Specificity rules

Writer's Dream
The Daily Cuppa Grande
1 min readDec 9, 2023


What is a ChatGPT prompt?

It is a query having relevant keywords and phrases that will fetch the responses from the ChatGPT interface.

The better the prompts, the more helpful the responses.

#1. Make it super specific

You get better responses when you add specific requirements in your ChatGPT prompt.

For example, I use the below query on how to write a ChatGPT prompt.

How to write a ChatGPT prompt for an absolute beginner who wants to generate more online writing content ideas in less time?

#2. Give the context

It helps the chatbot when you give the background of your query.

#3. Set parameters

You can give the number of words in the article you want or the number of characters in the headline.

#4. Specify format

Mention how you want your article.

  • Paragraph
  • Bullet point
  • Short story

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