The Louis Vuitton Foundation

Where is it exactly?

The Daily Cuppa Grande
3 min readApr 24, 2024


B&W picture of a curved iron structure covered with glass.
Photo by author

I had initially begun drafting this article as part of my One-City-Per-Day Challenge, remembering walking through these “chic” alleys in Neuilly-sur-Seine.

“Chic”, because this town is reputed to be rather bourgeois, in the continuity of the refined buildings of Paris.

Even though it borders Paris, it’s still another town in France to complete my challenge!

And here I am, recounting my amazement at the awe-inspiring structure enveloping the Louis Vuitton Foundation. Indeed, while Neuilly’s “chic” alleyways may have their appeal, that’s certainly not what motivated me to go there.

I eagerly seized the opportunity to visit a current exhibition at this museum of modern and contemporary art. And let me tell you, the building itself is a sight to behold!

Reflection on a curved glass of a big structure.
Reflection on the curved glass — Photo by author

Designed by renowned architect Franck Gehry, it’s an emblematic structure that represents a true technological feat. The curvature of the glass required extensive testing by the industrialists involved in the project.



The Daily Cuppa Grande

Passionate about the beauty of living together, the arts and the poetry of every human being. I want to give my children an insight into the beauty of life.