Business Cards: Creating a Special Handout

Julie Ranson
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Nov 17, 2022


Photo by Aleksander Fox on Unsplash

I’ve invested most of my graphics/Canva writing on social media, color, and general design topics. Yes, I have offered branding advice and today, we’re going to “stay on brand” and discuss your business. No, not your personal issues…

At a recent writing conference, I received several impressive business cards. I don’t even have one for my writing biz. It’s time!

We’ll hop over to Canva shortly. First, let’s discuss design practices for these special “handouts.”

Fonts: ensure smaller text is a readable size. Use a maximum of two fonts.

Make your business card memorable with a unique twist on size, paper texture, colors, and fonts. But, of course, stay on-brand.

Card layout can help you stand out if you depart from the tried-and-true.

Explore Canva templates for super ideas!

Julie, Graphics Guru



Julie Ranson
The Daily Cuppa

Word Lover. Writer. Self-improver. Believer. Widow. Mother of three adults. Find me everywhere: