Julie Gaeta
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Oct 4, 2021


Photo from Canva

Cacao is full of nutrients and antioxidants. It’s a known superfood offering numerous health benefits–and also considered a natural aphrodisiac.

Cacao is one of the best plant-based sources of magnesium. Magnesium plays a role in brain function, our mood, and has anti-inflammatory benefits.

Evidence also suggests magnesium assists in migraine prevention. In addition, it supports exercise performance.

Cacao is rich in iron, zinc, chromium, and serotonin. When our serotonin levels are high, we’re more capable of handling stress and feel better.

There are many ways to enjoy cacao: Cacao nibs, beans, beverages, desserts, and dark chocolate bars.

Cacao nibs are delicious in trail mixes– and especially good paired with blueberries, cherries, and goji berries.

As good as cacao is, enjoy it in moderation. And if you have caffeine sensitivity, try to enjoy before 2 pm, so it will not interfere with your sleep.

