Chocolate Without Shame

Gary L Ellis
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Feb 13, 2024


I recently published an article called, “Life on Rinse Repeat?”

One thing I advised, “Always choose something positive to focus on.”

Kleri responded, “Like eating chocolate! lol :)”

That’s a big yes, Kleri! 😃


Chocolate contains various compounds that can stimulate the production of endorphins, the brain’s natural feel-good chemicals. Eating chocolate can boost mood and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.


Flavanols in chocolate have been shown to improve brain function by increasing blood flow to the brain. Regular eating of dark chocolate may enhance cognitive function, including memory, focus, and attention.


Unlike the opening giph, eating moderate amounts of dark chocolate may improve heart health by increasing blood flow, lowering blood pressure, and improving cholesterol levels.

I’m not sure you’re aware of it, but on the 8th day, God created CHOCOLATE! Just sayin’ 😃

Moderation being the key word!



Gary L Ellis
The Daily Cuppa

Over 40 fruitful years as a Life Coach, Public Speaker, Relationship Counselor, and Creative Communicator. FOLLOW and get my EMAILS for updates!