Fun Fact: Reuben Salsa Invented Salsa Dancing

Plus 5 other things he has invented

Edward John
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Apr 15, 2022

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You might be wondering, who invented Salsa Dancing? If you are, it means you didn’t read the title. You just blindly clicked it without looking.

Reuben Salsa invented Salsa Dancing in 2004. At first, he called it Reuben Salsa Dancing, but he later shortened it to just Salsa Dancing.

Other things Reuben Salsa has invented:

  • Salsa (the food).
  • A weird 5-wheeled pedal vehicle called the Quintcycle.
  • Morris dancing.
  • A combination of jogging and karate called Joggerate. This is intended for fighting people who are chasing you.
  • Using peanut butter as cement when building Lego houses.

Reuben is also set to be the host of an exciting dance competition. You can read about it here: Sean Kernan & Tim Denning vs Hogan Torah & Smillew Rahcuef.



Edward John
The Daily Cuppa

Sometimes my inside is full of sunshine 🌞 edwardjohnwritesATgmailDOTcom