I’m a Krypton Atom (Kr) With Atomic Number 36

My state at room temperature is gas, and I’m classified as a noble gas.

Cosmic Wonders
The Daily Cuppa


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Atomic Number 1

I am colourless, odourless, and tasteless, three times heavier than air, and found in trace amounts in the Earth’s atmosphere.

I was identified as an element in 1898. My nucleus consists of 36 protons and 48 neutrons. A total of 36 electrons share four electron shells surrounding my nucleus.

My creation resulted from the extreme conditions produced by the explosion of massive stars.

Krypton is a rare element in the Earth’s crust, making up just 1 part per 100 million.

The element krypton does not affect the human body since it’s chemically inert.

Krypton is used commercially as a gas for filling energy-saving fluorescent lights. It is also used in some flash lamps for high-speed photography.



Cosmic Wonders
The Daily Cuppa

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