Week 1. Redefining cultural heritage

Bokhållare Ulla Rydin […].1955. Järnvägsmuseet. Public Domain

Hop on the boat, the project has started!

During this first week, we will explore together the digital transformation of cultural heritage and museums from a theoretical perspective.

As every week, an essay will be posted in the blog and a talk with an expert will be recorded for the podcast.

Augmented Reality App gemaakt op het werk van Govert Flinck ‘Isaäk zegent Jacob’, Beeldbank van de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, CC BY-SA

This first essay is an introductory article around digital heritage. It is titled Beyond technology. Digital opportunities for cultural heritage and explores the definition of digital heritage, its legal framework, and the opportunities for cultural heritage offered by its digital transformation taking a global, European, and Spanish perspective.

Centralhotellets radio Oscar Zedrén Länsmuseet Gävleborg CC BY-SA

In the first episode of the podcast, we will talk on Sunday with Susan Hazan about the future of museums, the implementation of technological advances in the cultural heritage field, how audiences respond to digital heritage, the role of digital heritage education in museums, and much more.

To know more about the podcast, subscribe to the Youtube channel and follow us on Spotify, Ivoox, Google Podcast, and more.

Enjoy this first week and sign up for the newsletter if you haven’t done it yet. Don’t forget to follow the project on social media.

Thank you for reading!



Raul Gomez Hernandez
The Digital Heritage Education Blog

Cultural Heritage PhD student| Digital Project Manager in cultural heritage |Digital Heritage & Education | The Digital Heritage Education Project