Naval Warfare

Nuclear Submarine Detection Using 6G?

It sounds incredible, but could there be any truth in these latest Chinese claims?

James Marinero, MSc, MBA
The Dock on the Bay
6 min readAug 30, 2023


USS Seawolf under way. Public Domain. By U.S. Department of Defence

Chinese scientists are claiming that they can detect non-natural underwater sounds using 6G sensors. According to some commentary, this might enable detection of submarines, and also open a new submarine communications channel.

The technology “will have significant application potential in underwater vessel detection and other areas”, according to the research team at the National University of Defence Technology. Their work was published on August 11 in the Journal of Radars, a Chinese-language peer-reviewed journal — SCMP.

What is 6G?

6G is the upcoming generation of signals technology likely to be used in cellphones, but the realisation of that is at least ten years away. I wrote about it in some detail a couple of months ago and wondered whether cellphone users really needed to be able to send holograms by phone — even if they could produce them. Technology for technology’s sake.

This technology operates at about 110 Gigahertz, in what is known as the terahertz band. The terahertz frequency range is between the microwave and infrared frequency ranges, typically between 0.1 THz and 10…



James Marinero, MSc, MBA
The Dock on the Bay

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