The Doge NFT — “Do Only Good Everyday” with $DOG

Paco The Bozo (🐕,🐕)
Own The Doge
Published in
3 min readMar 3, 2022

$DOG is the fractionalized Doge NFT. As owners of the original Doge meme, our goal is to spread messages of Good, Wacky Fun and Collective Collaboration. That is why we’re donating to charities perpetually!

New here? Check out this article to learn about $DOG

The World’s Incentives

As expressed in a famous quote by Gandhi- there is enough on Earth for everybody’s need, but not for everyone’s greed”- due to people’s natural greed, today’s charities are seen as an expense, instead of something mutually beneficial.

  • The biggest hurdle to spreading the good in the world is the fact that the incentives for helping charities are not in the right place.
  • One of the biggest ideas of the crypto / Web3 space is the shift in incentives. From company- to community. From exploitation- to product. And from expense- to gain.

Angel Protocol, one of $DOG’s charity partners, is a good example of something that would’ve otherwise been impossible.

Doge — Do Only Good Everyday

The “Do Only Good Everyday” acronym for “Doge” was famously popularized by Dogecoin and its rise in 2021. Dogecoin was the first example of what a “tokenized community” can achieve, when incentives are in the right place- helping others and donating to charities.

  • We, the $DOG DAO, as owners of the Doge meme itself, want to see “Doge” as a mascot for Good, Wacky Fun and Collective Collaboration.
  • So we’ve set it as our goal to aid in any humanitarian crisis that’s happening in the world right now and to do so in perpetuity!

We’d like to see Doge turn into a symbol for doing good in the world, just like the Panda is a symbol for Animal Conservation.

We do it for Kabosu, the female dog in the original meme, who was rescued by an animal shelter!

The Donation Fund

When PleasrDAO fractionalized The Doge NFT into $DOG:

Most has already been donated to charities chosen by our community, but $500k is earning yield through Angel Protocol:

  • Around $5000/week for charity, in perpetuity!
  • $DOG holders vote where generated yield from Angel Protocol is donated every month.

Know a charity that can benefit from our Donation Fund?
Join our Discord and share it in the #do-only-good-everyday channel!

Link to our Donation Fund address:

The Doge NFT’s Donations

1. Save The Children

  • Our first and biggest donation yet- $1 million to Save The Children.
  • After consulting the community back in September, we shortlisted a number of charities to choose from as our first donation.
  • We settled on Save The Children, offering humanitarian aid for children due to the dire situation in Afghanistan.

If you’re a Crypto project looking to donate, you can do so here:

2. Angel Protocol

  • Angel Protocol is a great example of the power of Web3.
  • Able to earn yield from donations and help in perpetuity.
  • Currently we’ve donated $500k, earning around $5k/week.
  • Community votes which charities to direct funds to.

Here is the leaderboard of Angel Protocol donations:

Charities we’ve helped through Angel Protocol:

  • START Rescue:
  • Ukraine:

3. The Real Bark

Love Doge? Join the $DOG DAO!

You can also find all our socials and websites on:


Just the $DOG DAO spreading good vibes



Paco The Bozo (🐕,🐕)
Own The Doge

I believe in the collective memetic forces that rule us all | 🃏🔮✨⚗️=🦍🌳🦶🦁🍖🧠🍄 | ⌛=🌊 | My emojis are mine | CEO of the Memetaverse | $DOG $OHM $KLIMA