The Doge NFT — Become a part of “the Memeverse” with $DOG!

Paco The Bozo (🐕,🐕)
Own The Doge
Published in
11 min readMar 1, 2022

$DOG is the fractionalized Doge NFT. Now you can own a part of the most iconic meme of all time and become a part of the network that will be the Cultural Centre of Memes in the Metaverse, powered by Web3!

Welcome to the Future Cultural Centre of the Memeverse!

What is The Doge NFT?

The $DOG project has a rich ecosystem that encompasses many areas, but let’s simplify it into 3 main themes:

1. The Meme

One of the most beloved internet stories is that of Kabosu and how a picture of a funny yellow dog took over the Internet.

That picture, featuring a wacky and uncharacteristic looking dog, would grow to become one of the most influential Memes in Internet History- Doge.

The iconic “Doge” meme has been described as a “trend-setter” in popular Meme Culture, as it has consistently acted as a mascot for new Internet meme trends.

From starting the “Surreal Memes” genre in 2013, to being on the most popular “Ironic Meme” mascots in 2017, to becoming an inspiration for “Crypto Memecoins” in 2021:

Doge has proven itself as an Icon of Internet Culture.

You can read everything you need to know about the Doge meme and how it became what it is today in this thread and this article.

“Doge” by Atsuko Sato, 2010. NFT since 2021

2. The NFT

NFTs (Non- Fungible Tokens) are a hot subject that tends to be overcomplicated, but at its core, NFTs make “ownership” possible on the Internet.

For the first time, any form of digital content could essentially be “signed” by its creator to distinguish “the original” from “the rest”.

For example, the original Doge picture, that would grow to become of the most influential memes of all time, was minted as an NFT by Atsuko Sato and sold at an auction to PleasrDAO.

With NFTs, creators don’t need to rely on copyright and censorship to monetize their digital content. Instead, the value of provenance would be driving a free web!

PleasrDAO later fractionalized the iconic NFT, using, into $DOG tokens. By holding $DOG, anyone can own a part of the original Doge NFT!
You can read on the details in this article or this CNBC post .

The Doge NFT is NOT Dogecoin! Dogecoin was INSPIRED by the Doge Meme. The Doge NFT ($DOG) is the NFT of the original Doge Meme!

3. The DAO

DAOs (Decentralized autonomous organization) are just a really long word for what essentially is a tokenized community that governs itself.

Here is how the $DOG DAO was formed:

  • The Doge NFT was fractionalized into $DOG tokens.
  • If you hold any $DOG tokens, you’re a part of The $DOG DAO.
  • The $DOG DAO is in control of The Doge NFT.

By joining the $DOG DAO, you:

  • Own a part of the original Doge Meme!
  • Become a part of the network that will be the Cultural Centre of Memes in the Metaverse.
  • Receive numerous perks and benefits (mentioned in detail below)
  • General governance over The Doge NFT project and Community Fund.

We’ve been hosting $DOG Community Calls Every Week:

Every Thursday at 14:00 ET we share updates for the week. Notable people we’ve invited to our calls: Path, a Prague Prince, Dogecoin Foundation, Monaverse, Tally Cash, Unstopabble domains, Dank Bank, numerous PleasrDAO members…etc. You can check all our community calls on Youtube.

POAPs from our Weekly Community Calls!

What is our goal?

The shift in cultural trends since the invention of the Internet are undeniable.

We’re actively witnessing the development of not just native Internet technologies (like crypto), but also modern Internet “mythologies”.

Memes are the primary form of expression in this new Internet- native global culture. They are literary devices, as well as iconic pieces of Art, and we believe they should be treated as such!

That is why, considering the historical significance of the Doge Meme, our goal is to help “Doge” in its journey to becoming the most recognizable and beloved image in History, topping pieces like The Mona Lisa.

$DOG meeting in NFT NYC, planning the future of the Memeverse

The Next Mona Lisa

The Renaissance featured a period of cultural and technological development and marked the transition from the Middle Ages to Modernity.

  • We‘re at the precipice of a “Digital Renaissance” and, in a similar way, we would see the rise of Mona Lisa’s successor from this cultural revolution.
  • If the Digital Renaissance is driven by decentralized Technology, then it only makes sense that culture will be driven by decentralized Art- which are Memes!
  • We will see a revolution in how people view and interact with Memes- not just as jokes on the Internet, but as Art- as Iconic pieces of Internet Culture.
  • And if Memes are art, then Doge is the Mona Lisa.

While there are many popular Meme Mascots that could contend for the name of The Digital Mona Lisa, “Doge” is very special in that:

  • The original image has become the Meme itself! Whereas most other Meme Mascots have diverged tremendously from their origin. (like Pepe)
  • The uncanny resemblance between Doge and The Mona Lisa. (just look at the hand position, eyes and overall expression!)
  • The Mona Lisa is said to be “the most parodied image in History”- a meme!
The Digital Mona Lisa

The Memeverse

The Memeverse, also known as “The Meme Economy”, is a concept that describes the free flow of digital content, powered by Web3.

Imagine a Future Internet where you could:

  • Trace every piece of digital content, including memes, to its origin.
  • Be able to see who owns “the original” and what they’re using it for.
  • If it’s fractionalized and owned by a DAO- you’d be able to join and contribute/ work for popular Memes!
  • Invest in new memes before they go viral. Or stick with “blue chip” memes.

We, the holders of Doge, actively support any advancements for such a future:

  • Digital Meme Estate: A project to help $DOG holders visualize their ownership of Doge with pixel NFTs. But maybe one day we’d see Doge Pixels be used as Metaverse land too!
  • The Dank Bank: An ambitious project aiming to create the NFT trading platform for memes and viral videos. (inspired by r/MemeEconomy)
  • The Religion of the Internet: The “Church of $DOG” campaign by Hype Partners, advancing the narrative of the significance of Doge.

We believe Doge is spreading the messages of Good, Wacky Fun and Collective Collaboration. Messages that are both crucial for our future and also define our digital age.

So let’s Doge-ify everything- from Projects to Museums to Companies- and make Doge the Face of the Memeverse!

Memes- the base form of Art on the Internet

How is The Doge NFT governed?

We like to say that “Doge is the NFT that owns itself”. And while we are indeed decentralized and community-run, there is structure to the chaos:

  1. The Bark Tank Council: $DOG priests and maxis running Bark Tank operations and evaluating best projects to move to a snapshot vote.
  2. Top Doges: Enthusiastic $DOG DAO members running project logistics.
  3. Sparkle Frens: PleasrDAO members in the $DOG Discord.
  4. Pixel Holders: Holders of over 55,240 $DOG who minted their Doge Pixel NFT from The Doge Pixel Portal.
  5. VIPs (Very Important Puppers): Verified Discord members holding over 16,969 $DOG.
  6. $DOG Holders: Members of the $DOG DAO and owners of The Doge NFT.
  7. Bounty hunters: Lurkers participating in various Layer 3 bounties, Meme Competitions and Engagement posts.
The $DOG DAO asking Doge for her wisdom.

The Bark Tank

“The Bark Tank” was set up to help fund wacky and uncharacteristic projects, builders and creators, aided by our Community Fund.

  • 25% of the $DOG token supply was reserved for our Community Fund.
  • Bark Tank Council multi-sig is in place to manage the Fund.
  • Projects over $50k are voted on by a community snapshot before funding.
  • 4 Snapshot proposals have been voted on, with 1 Discord community vote.

If you have an ambitious idea to help grow awareness around $DOG and support our community then apply here!

Projects from The Bark Tank:

  • Doggo Loot NFTs: Loot- derived NFTs that were airdropped to $DOG holders for free a few weeks after the project launched.
  • Fast Food Doges NFTs: Our official $DOG pfp NFT project in collaboration with Fast Food Frens. Featuring utilities such as: Naming your FFD, a native $FRIES token, and Breeding Mechanics…
    (“Doga Lisa” NFT proceeds went to a dog rescue and a star was born.)
  • The Sandbox Game: MV Studios building 4 Metaverse Games, with “ Dogeboarding” being the first one. Funding for it was voted by a snapshot.
  • Doge 2048 P2E Game: A game built on polygon and being developed by Infinity (still in progress). Whitelists were given out to $DOG holders.
  • The Pixel Portal Project: The first Bark Tank- funded project, allowing $DOG holders to visualize their ownership of The Doge NFT by staking 55,240 $DOG to receive 1 Pixel from The original Doge NFT!
  • Nifty Doge Island: Nifty Island collaborating with PleasrDAO to help create a special Nifty Metaverse- The Doge Island.
  • The Doge Puppet: A real life size Doge Puppet with animatronic features.
  • A community- built “dextools” alternative to help meme-ify tracking of indicators, utilizing lore-themed live chart and memetools™️ , as well as track upcoming $DOG events and projects.
  • Community Website: A community-built website to help visualize The Doge NFT’s journey into becoming bigger than The Mona Lisa. As well as tracking the DJI (DOG Jones Index), featuring the top 10 dog coins.
  • Hype Partners: A Web3 marketing agency helping us create awareness for The Doge NFT project. Launched the Church of $DOG campaign.
  • PizzaDAO: Just Doge + Pizza — what more can anyone need?
  • ETH Denver gifts and treats: Our $DOG disciples giving out: $DOG T-shirts, “business” cards, $DOG pills and chocolates, stickers, POAPs…etc.
  • The Doge McLaren: Our first official collaboration with The Dogecoin Foundation, helping bring the Dogeclaren to ETH Denver 2022!
Real image of the Bark Tank Council evaluating wacky projects

What do I get by holding $DOG?

Besides becoming a member of the biggest project in the Memeverse and owning a part of the most iconic meme of all time,

holding $DOG grants you:

  1. Perks

2. Rewards

3. Governance

  • Token-gated Discord — ability to tip other members with $DOG for helpful or fun posts (no gas fees) + access to channels to discuss project plans
  • Ability to vote for Bark Tank to fund projects with the Community Fund
  • Vote where generated yield from Angel Protocol is donated every month
  • Apply for community positions (including Top Doges & Bark Tank Council)
  • Access to community competitions and Discord Poll Votes.
  • Ability to collaborate as an Artist, Creator or Builder

Timeline of $DOG events:

You can catch-up on EVERYTHING we’ve done in Q4 2021 in this article or this tweet thread! Some notable events include, but are not limited to:

  • Shibuya Square Tokyo: The Doge NFT video featured on 9 screens across the world’s busiest crossing. Gifts were given out to people taking pictures.
  • NYC $DOG Party: PleasrDAO organized a Lauch Party for $DOG holders in Ideal Glass Studios. Featuring Steve Aoki and pplpleasr as DJs and a Doge Ice Statue!
  • NFT NYC: Organized a meetup for $DOG holders during the NFT.NYC event. Doge Posters were put up all over Manhattan! (with POAP rewards)
  • Real Castle in Prague: Yes, The Doge NFT was featured in a royal castle in Prague! We even had a community call with the prince, @WRLobkowicz.
  • Kabosu’s 16th Birthday: We organized a Decentraland Birthday Party for Kabosu to commemorate the event and created the longest WOW thread!
  • Save The Children: 5% of the Initial Miso Auction was reserved for Charity. Our community voted to donate $1 million to help Afghan children and families.
  • Tokyo Ginza Gallery: The Doge NFT featured in Tokyo Ginza Gallery “NFT WEEKS TOKYO” by CoinPost for a month!
  • Meme Competitions: Organized a few Meme Competitions, where $DOG holders had the chance to make memes for $DOG rewards (memeception)
  • RARA “NFT of the Year 2021”: We won’s “NFT of the Year” Award thanks to the support of our community.
  • Product Hunt: We were featured on Product Hunt (#1 place to find new innovative products) and finished in #3 place for the day!
  • $DOG at ETH Denver: Our biggest event so far, featuring token-gated MeowWolf party, $DOG gifts and treats, a Doge McLaren, $DOG disciples spreading fun vibes…etc.
Much goals!
Become a part of the Memeverse with $DOG!

How can I get involved?

There are many ways you can get involved with the project! Here are a couple simple options on how to get $DOG and join the $DOG DAO.

*Important note: Only Option 3 ($DOG on ETH Mainnet) allows for participation in DAO governance.

Option 1: or (NO gas fees):

Option 2: PancakeSwap (minimal gas fees):

  • Go to and buy $BNB (Binance Coin)
  • Download Metamask (chrome extension or app) and generate an address
  • On your Metamask, switch from the ETH Mainnet to Binance Smart Chain. Here is a simple tutorial on how to do that!
  • Go to your $BNB and click “Withdraw”
  • Send your $BNB to the generated address on your Metamask
  • Now that you have $BNB on Metamask, you can trade it for $DOG on PancakeSwap!

*In total $BNB gas fees will come around $1–2!

Option 3: Uniswap or Sushiswap (moderate gas fees):

  • Go to any crypto exchange ( Binance / Coinbase / Kraken / )
  • Sign up, deposit funds with a card or a Bank and buy $ETH (Ethereum)
  • Download Metamask (chrome extension or app) and generate an address
  • Go to your $ETH and click “Withdraw”
  • Send your $ETH to the generated address on your Metamask
  • Now that you have $ETH on Metamask, you can trade it for $DOG on Uniswap or Sushiswap !
  • In total $ETH gas fees will come around $50–$80 depending on Gwei
Bassjackers x PleasrDAO $DOG track

To conclude, here is The Doge NFT explained simply in 1 minute:

Learn about $DOG in a minute!

Useful Links:

$DOG token address: 0xbaac2b4491727d78d2b78815144570b9f2fe8899

BSC $DOG address: 0xaA88C603d142C371eA0eAC8756123c5805EdeE03

Mint your Doge Pixel NFT:

DEXs and Cexs:

Website and Socials:

You can find all our websites and socials on The Doge NFT LinkTree:

You can see a fellow Meme Enthusiast Own The Doge



Paco The Bozo (🐕,🐕)
Own The Doge

I believe in the collective memetic forces that rule us all | 🃏🔮✨⚗️=🦍🌳🦶🦁🍖🧠🍄 | ⌛=🌊 | My emojis are mine | CEO of the Memetaverse | $DOG $OHM $KLIMA